Jews and Arabs in Pre- And Early Islamic Arabia ( Collected Studies Series, 639, Band 639 ) .

von Lecker, Michael:

Lecker, Michael:
Verlag / Jahr
Ashgate Publishing Limited., 1998.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen / Cloth. XII, 350 Seiten / p.
ca. 449 g
Sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - CONTENTS -- Preface -- JEWS AND ARABS BEFORE ISLAM -- Idol worship in pre-Islamic Medina ( Yathrib ) -- Le Museon 106. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1993 -- A note on early marriage links between Qurashis and Jewish women -- Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 10. Jerusalem, 1987 -- Zayd b. Thäbit, 'a Jew with two sidelocks': Judaism and literacy in pre-Islamic Medina ( Yathrib ) -- Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56. Chicago, 1997 -- 'Amr ibn Hazm al-Ansäri and Qur'än 2, 256: -- 'No compulsion is there in religion' -- Oriens 35. Leiden, 1996 -- Hudhayfa b. al-Yamän and 'Ammär b. Yasir, Jewish converts to Islam -- Quademi di Studi Arabi 11. Venice, 1993 -- MUHAMMAD AT MEDINA -- Yahud/'uhwL a variant reading in the story of the 'Aqaba meeting -- With an appendix by Simon Hopkins -- Le Museon 109. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1996 -- Waqidi's account on the status of the Jews of Medina: a study of a combined report -- Jounal of Near Eastern Studies 54. Chicago, 1995 -- Muhammad at Medina: a geographical approach -- Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 6. Jerusalem, 1985 -- On the markets of Medina ( Yathrib ) in pre-Islamic and early Islamic times -- Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 8. Jerusalem, -- 1986 -- On Arabs of the Banu Kilab executed together with the Jewish Banu Qurayza -- Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 19. Jerusalem, -- 1995 -- The Hudaybiyya-treaty and the expedition against Khaybar -- Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 5. Jerusalem, -- 1984 -- The bewitching of the Prophet Muhammad by the Jews: a note a propos lAbd al-Malik b. Habib's Mukhtasarfi l-tibb -- Al-Qantara 13. Madrid, 1992 -- TRIBES IN THE YEMEN -- The conversion of Himyar to Judaism and the Jewish Banu Hadl of Medina -- Die Welt des Orients 26. Gottingen, 1995 -- Judaism among Kinda and the ridda of Kinda Journal of the American Oriental Society 115. New Haven, 1995 -- Kinda on the eve of Islam and during the ridda Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. London, 1994 -- ARABIC AND ISLAMIC LITERATURE -- Biographical notes on Ihn Shihäb al-Zuhrl Journal of Semitic Studies 41. Oxford, 1996 -- The death of the Prophet Mahammad's father: did WäqidT invent some of the evidence? -- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 145. Stuttgart, 1995 -- Biographical notes on Abu 'Ubayda Ma mar b. al-Muthanna -- Studia Islamica 81. Paris, 1995. ISBN 9780860787846
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Jews and Arabs in Pre- And Early Islamic Arabia ( Collected Studies Series, 639, Band 639 ) .

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