The Brutus Revival: Parricide and Tyrannicide during the Renaissance.

von Piccolomini, Manfredi:

Piccolomini, Manfredi:
Verlag / Jahr
Carbondale, Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. XIV, 142 p.
ca. 383 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar / A good and clean copy. - Contents Preface Acknowledgments 1. The Making of a Destiny 2. Brutus Carries Out His Destiny 3. Brutus, Destiny, and Tragedy Appendix: Hamlet as a New Brutus Notes Bibliography Index. / In a thematic work that encompasses history, political science, and both classical and Renaissance literature, Manfredi Piccolomini presents the first complete discussion of the Renaissance revival of parricide and tyrannicide based specifically on Marcus Brutus’ assassination of Caesar. Brutus is offered as an example of a historical figure transformed into a mythical figure—the just citizen rebelling against the unjust “father of the country”—through Renaissance adoration of the classics. Classical authors such as Virgil, Horace, and Lucan probed the effect of Brutus’ action on Roman history. Much later, Renaissance humanists looked to these meditations as they sought to revive ancient codes of civility and morality considered superior to their own. The literary bridge between classical times and the Renaissance, Dante condemned Brutus even as he transmitted Brutus’ historical persona to later Renaissance writers. His condemnation of Brutus in The Divine Comedy represents the medieval notion that an act against a ruler is not only a sin against another human being but also a threat to a divinely ordered social system in which the ruler served as God’s earthly representative. Piccolomini goes on to discuss a number of Italian conspiracies in which the conspirators modeled their acts on Brutus’, particularly Lorenzo de Medici’s 1537 assassination of Duke Alessandro de Medici, the Florentine ruler. As art will imitate life, the Renaissance fascination with Brutus is reflected in the literature of the period. Piccolomini compares four Renaissance plays based on the Brutus theme: Muret’s Julius Caesar, Grevin’s Caesar, Pescetti’s Cesare, and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Finally Piccolomini argues that Brutuses are no longer needed as moral arbiters in the modern political world. Citizens dissatisfied with their political rulers should search for new solutions rather than adopt familiar historical patterns as the conspirators of the Renaissance did. ISBN 9780809316496
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The Brutus Revival: Parricide and Tyrannicide during the Renaissance.

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