2000 Champagnes.

von Juhlin, Richard:

Juhlin, Richard:
Verlag / Jahr
Methusalem AB, 1999.
Format / Einband
Pp. ; Orig.-Schutzumschlag 344 Seiten.
ca. 1530 g
Sehr gutes Exemplar mit geringfügigen Gebrauchsspuren. Beigelegt eine Einladungskarte für den Champagne Club. Sprache: Englisch. / EN: Very good copy with minor signs of wear. - Enclosed an invitation card for the Champagne Club. Language: English. - „The world of Champagne is in constant ferment. Vintages come and go but the yeasts work their special Champagne magic every second of the year. Every Champagne grower and every Champagne house works with one single appellation. Which is why we are all so different. Together, we form a mosaic of styles. It takes a very perceptive outsider to create a coherent picture of this complex, ever-changing scene. Richard Juhlin, a young Swedish Champagne specialist, is just such a man. Widely noted for his prowess in blind tastings (he can pinpoint vintages and house styles with enviable ease) he has devoted countless hours exploring our region - its vineyards, producers, varieties, and wines.To the world's most festive and light-hearted wine he has dedicated a work that contrives to be serious but not solemn. His book mirrors the fascination and complexity of Champagne. His effervescent prose leads us into a voyage of discovery of the region. Only a few enduring works exist on the subject of Champagne. This work is an addition to this body of literature. And it is noteworthy for being the first to emanate from Scandinavia. If any truly universal language exists, it is the raising of a glass of Champagne. I do so now and the toast is. (Richard Juhlin). / Content: Introduction -- The history of champagne Three regions - three meanings Dom Perignon After Dom Perignon Phylloxera and uproar Belle Epoque World War I Between the wars World War II After the War The new millennium -- Champagne - king of the sparkling wines -- Wine's most closely-controlled district -- Champagne grapes and vines -- The grapes -- The annual life-cycle of the vine -- The champagne method - from the vine to the glass The work in the vineyard The harvest The pressing The champagne presses Fermentation Blending (assemblage) The second fermentation (prise de mousse) Disgorging -- Buy, store and taste -- Buying champagne -- Storage -- Treasures of the deep -- When to drink champagne -- Opening and serving from a bottle of champagne -- The importance of the glass -- Champagne tasting -- A different kind of tasting -- Champagne - the different types -- Still wines and spirits -- Sparkling wines -- France -- The rest of the world -- Champagne and food -- Successful combinations -- Restaurant food A Champagne journey -- The sights of Reims Champagne's classification system -- The cru system -- Vintages -- The producers -- Producers' section -- The Champagne towns -- Grand cru villages -- Premier cru villages -- Other villages -- Evaluation of champagnes in the producer" section -- Champagne statistics -- A little champagne dictionary -- Important addresses in Champagne -- List of producers. ISBN 9789163062605
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