Kant and the Claims of Knowledge.

von Guyer, Paul:

Guyer, Paul:
Verlag / Jahr
Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Format / Einband
Paperback. XIII, 482 p.
ca. 795 g
A good copy. - Contents Acknowledgments Note on sources Introduction Pad I: Kant’s early view 1 The problem of objective validity The emergence of a problem The absence of the understanding Ontological realism 2 The transcendental theory of experience: 1774-1775 Synthetic judgment and the possibility of experience Kant’s fundamental ambivalence Titles of the understanding Functions of apperception Restriction or imposition? Analogies of experience Part II: The transcendental deduction from 1781 to 1787 3 The real premises of the deduction A plethora of premises The deduction and time-determination 4 The deduction from knowledge of objects IA: A priori knowledge of objects IB: A priori conditions for empirical knowledge 5 The deduction and apperception 11 A: A priori knowledge of the unity of the self I IB: A priori conditions of empirical self-knowledge Part III: The principles of empirical knowledge 6 The schematism and system of principles What is the schematism? Intuitions, schemata, and concepts Categories, appearances, and time The transcendental time-determinations The reemergence of Kant’s original argument 7 Axioms and anticipations Mathematical and dynamical principles The axioms of intuition The anticipations of perception 8 The general principle of the analogies 9 The first analogy: substance The substratum of time itself The analysis of alteration Empirical knowledge of change The conservation of substance 10 The second analogy: causation Causation and objective time-determination Objections to Kant’s argument The causal principle and simultaneous causation The second analogy and phenomenalism 11 The third analogy: interaction Part IV: The refutation of idealism 12 The problem, project, and premise of the refutation The problem of the refutation The project and the premise of the refutation 13 The central arguments of the refutation Displaying time in space External objects and subjective succession 14 The metaphysics of the refutation Completing the refutation? Presupposing realism Part V: Transcendental idealism 15 Appearances and things in themselves 16 Transcendental idealism and the forms of intuition The indispensability of space and time The metaphysics and theology of space and time Transcendental idealism and necessary truth 17 Transcendental idealism and the theory of judgment The act of time-determination The legislation of nature 18 Transcendental idealism and the “Antinomy of Pure Reason’’ The antinomies in the 1770s The antinomies in the Critique Postscript: Realism and idealism afterword Notes Index of passages cited General index. ISBN 9780521337724
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