Wild Flowers of Northern Oman.

von Mandaville, James P. and Dorothy Bovey:

Mandaville, James P. and Dorothy Bovey:
Verlag / Jahr
London: Bartholomew Books, 1978.
Format / Einband
Hardcover. 64 p.: Ill.
ca. 550 g
Lediglich der Einband ist leicht berieben. Sonst aber ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar/ Only the binding is slightly rubbed. But otherwise a very good and clean copy. - The importance of learning more about the plant life of northern Oman began to be appreciated well over 100 years ago, after the French botanist-explorer P. Aucher-Eloy made available to the scientific world the plant specimens which he had collected there in 1838. It was soon realised that the flora of this region was in many ways unique, providing important links between the basically African flora of southern Arabia and the Asiatic plant communities across the Gulf to the east. The isolated mountains of Oman had also seen the evolution of plant species which were not to be found elsewhere. For the most part, however, the land remained outside the reach of detailed scientific study until the present decade when, under the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Government of Oman embarked on its sweeping programme of social and economic development. Appreciating that a detailed knowledge of natural resources is indispensable to improving the quality of life, His Majesty ordered work to be started on surveying and describing the wildlife of the country. It was natural that northern Oman’s unique topographical feature—the highland massif of Jabal al-Akhdar—should be given priority attention in any such study, and the Flora and Fauna Survey of Oman began work there in 1975. The scientific results of this survey were published in March 1977 in the Journal of Oman Studies Special Report. Those of us who had the privilege of participating in this venture soon began to appreciate that the results could have broader application. The people of Oman are anxious to learn more about the resources and natural products of their country, parts of which—long isolated by rugged terrain—are now being linked by better means of communication. Also, visitors in Oman, struck by the beautiful and unusual wildlife of the country, are asking 'What is that flower, that bird, that animal’? It was to meet this need that the Ministry of Diwan Affairs environmental office conceived the idea of putting some of the Survey’s findings into more popular form by producing illustrated guides to the wildlife of the region. This book is the first of a series. ISBN 0702810789
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