Down to Earth. Mud Architecture: an old idea, a new future. ... Translated from the French by Ruth Eaton.

von Dethier, Jean (Ed.):

Dethier, Jean (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Thames and Hudson, 1981.
Format / Einband
192 S.; zahlr. Illustr. (auch farbig); 24 cm; kart.
ca. 750 g
Gutes Exemplar; der farb. illustr. Einband stw. berieben; kl. Preisschild. - Englisch. - Aus der Bibliothek von Dr. Hans-Joachim Koloß, vormals Völkerkundemuseum Berlin. - With 303 illustrations, 65 in colour / The energy crisis has overthrown many of the certainties of contemporary life, yet few developments are as surprising as the current revival of architecture in unbaked earth and adobe. For many, the phrase 'earth architecture' conjures up images of primitive discomfort and poverty, but in fact - as Jean Dethier demonstrates in this persuasive book - the opposite is true. For almost 10,000 years man has built in unbaked earth, not only simple dwellings but also palaces, temples and fortresses of the utmost grandeur. Today, in places like Arizona and New Mexico, people are again choosing to build the most modern and luxurious homes out of this material. These modern users are following the example of a third of the world's population that still lives' in houses of earth. Their dwellings are living proof that earth architecture can survive the wear and tear of centuries, that an exciting range of powerful architectural forms can be achieved in it, and that these thermally ideal structures are as comfortable in Morocco as they are in Scandinavia. In the wake of growing disillusion with the 'International Style', questions are being asked concerning the cost and availability of modern materials in a world starved of energy. ... (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Foreword Introduction ---- PART I Architecture in Earth: Historical and Popular Traditior, ---- Man's Oldest Building Material ---- Strength and Durability ---- Variety of Forms ---- Its Many Uses ---- Earth Architecture the World Over ---- Construction Methods . ---- Architecture for Rich and Poor ---- Urban Architecture in Unbaked Earth ---- Rural Architecture in Unbaked Earth ---- Ornamentation ---- Sensuality ---- The Sky's the Limit ---- The Grandeur of Earth Buildings ---- Interiors and Harmony ---- Ruins, Restorations and Ruses ---- The Modernity of Traditions ---- PART II Architecture in Earth: New Prospects, New Projects ---- Bibliography. ISBN 0500272778
Architektur; Lehm / Schlamm; Mud Architecture; Geschichte; Baukunst; Kultur; Völkerkunde; Kulturgeschichte / Kunstgeschichte; Kunsthandwerk
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Down to Earth. Mud Architecture: an old idea, a new future.

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