Physical Factors of the Historical Process ... (u.a.). Editorial: Laura Prestin. Texts: A. Chizhevsky; Robin Watkins.

von Chizhevsky, Alexander (u.a.):

Chizhevsky, Alexander (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
ATLAS Projectos, 2017.
Format / Einband
83 Seiten; graph. Darst.; Tabellen; 27,5 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar. - Englisch. - Mit illustr. Einband. - Mit Beilage. - Alexander Leonidowitsch Tschischewski (* 26. Januar jul. / 7. Februar 1897 greg. in Ciechanowiec, Gouvernement Grodno; † 20. Dezember 1964 in Moskau) war ein sowjetischer Biophysiker, Dichter und Maler. ... (wiki) // This reprint of 'Physical Factors of the Historical Process' by Alexander Chizhevsky was initiated by Robin Watkins. Originally published in Russian in 1924, the text was translated into English and condensed by Vladimir P. de Smitt, and presented at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society in 1926. Chizhevsky later developed the article into the 366-paged book … (The terrestrial echo of solar storms), published in 1936. It is yet to be translated into English. ... (Impressum) // INHALT : Physical Factors of the Historical Process - Alexander Chizhevsky ----- Solar Cycle and Sunspot Index Data 1750-2032 ----- SIDC, Royal Observatory of Belgium ----- After World - Robin Watkins. // ... Professor Tchijevsky summarizes his statistical researches in a table which he calls, "Historiometrical Table for the Period from the Fifth Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A. D." The author also gives two diagrams illustrating this table. He determined from the trend of universal history nine historiometric cycles in every century, which are numbered in the table from 1 to 9 [as seen on pp. 28-29 of this publication]. This is the first experiment in compiling such a table and, of course, the table is open to considerable correction in the future. This table gives only the intensity of the newly arising historical events and the intensity of comparative lulls between these events. He gives the following explanation of the table: Beginning with the V century B.C. and until XVI A.D., the centuries are divided into nine equal periods of eleven years each. The beginning years of every period are shown in brackets. From II century A.D. to XVI century inclusive, the sunspot activity is taken from historical sources; bold figures show the probable dates of sunspot maxima; bold dots show the more reliable ones. From the XVII century to the XX, the dates of the maxima and minima sunspots are taken from astronomical telescopic observations (Meteorologischen Zeitschrift, Heft 10, s. 327, 1922). The diagrams show the average curves for the fluctuations of the universal historical process across the entire earth during the period from V B.C. to XX A.D. The second diagram [as seen on p. 12 of this publication] shows on a larger scale the parallelism of the curves of sunspot activity (lower curve) and of the universal human military-political activity (upper curve) from 1749 to 1922. ... (Seite 26) ISBN 9789899714175
Meteorologie; Alexander Leonidowitsch Tschischewski; Physik; Geschichte; Statistik; Naturwissenschaften
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Physical Factors of the Historical Process ... (u.a.).

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