Atlantis, Fact or Fiction?.

von Ramage, Edwin S., John V. Luce S. Casey Fredericks a. o.:

Ramage, Edwin S., John V. Luce S. Casey Fredericks a. o.:
Verlag / Jahr
Indiana University Press, 1978.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. 210 p.: maps, graphs.
ca. 450 g
Lediglich der Umschlag ist leicht bestoßen und minimal berieben. Sonst aber ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar/ Only the dust jacket is slightly bumped and minimally rubbed. Otherwise a very good and clean copy. - CONTENT: PERSPECTIVES ANCIENT AND MODERN, by Edwin S. Ramage THE LITERARY PERSPECTIVE The Sources and Literary Form of Plato’s Atlantis Narrative, by John V. Luce THE MYTHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Plato’s Atlantis: A Mythologist Looks at Myth, by S. Casey Fredericks THE HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Atlantis and the Minoan Thalassocracy: A Study in Modem Mythopoeism, by J. Rufus Fears THE GEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Atlantis from the Geologic Point of View, by Dorothy B. Vitaliano Glacial Fluctuations, Sea-level Changes, and Catastrophic Floods, by Herbert E. Wright, Jr. ISBN 9780253104823
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EUR 18,00
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Atlantis, Fact or Fiction?.

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