Reading the Book of Nature: The Other Side of the Scientific Revolution. Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies; Vol 41.

von Debus, Allen G. and Michael T. Walton:

Debus, Allen G. and Michael T. Walton:
Verlag / Jahr
Sixteenth Century Journal, 1998.
Format / Einband
Paperback. 280 p.: Ill.
ca. 428 g
Lediglich die Broschur ist leicht bestoßen. Sonst aber ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar/ Only the brochure is slightly bumped. Otherwise a very good and clean copy. - CONTENT: Preface Michael T. Walton Genesis and Chemistry in the Sixteenth Century Joie Shackelford Seeds with a Mechanical Purpose: Severinus’ Semina and Seventeenth- Century Matter Theory D. Gunnoe, Jr. Erastus and Patracelsianism: Theological Motifs in Thomas Erastus’ Rejection of Paracelsian Natural Philosophy Bruce T Moran Libavius the Paracelsian? Monstrous Novelties, Institutions, and the Norms of Social Virtue William R. Newman Alchemical and Baconian Views on the Art-Nature Division Stephen A. McKnight The Wisdom of the Ancients and Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis Nicholas H. Clulee John Dee and the Paracelsians Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb An “Older” View about Matter in John Wilkins’ “Modern” Mathematical Magick Allen G. Debus Paracelsus and the Delayed Scientific Revolution in Spain: A Legacy of Philip II Martha Baldwin Danish Medicines for the Danes and the Defense of Indigenous Medicines Lawrence M. Principe Diversity in Alchemy: The Case of Gaston “Claveus” DuClo, a Scholastic Mercurialist Chrysopoeian Thomas Willard The Many Worlds of Jean D’Espagnet Kathleen Wellman Talismans, Incubi, Divination, and the Book ofM*: The Bureau d’adresse Confronts the Occult Ursula Klein Nature and Art in Seventeenth-Century French Chemical Textbooks Vera Cecilia Machline The Contribution of Laurent Joubert’s Traité du Ris to Sixteenth- Century Physiology of Laughter. ISBN 9780940474482
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Reading the Book of Nature: The Other Side of the Scientific Revolution.

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