Occultism and the Origins of Psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud and the Forsyth Case. History of Psychoanalysis.

von Pierri, Maria:

Pierri, Maria:
Verlag / Jahr
Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022.
Format / Einband
Paperback. 582 pg.
ca. 1066 g
2 Volume Set - New Copy. - Sigmund Freud and The Forsyth Case uses newly discovered primary sources to investigate one of Sigmund Freud's most mysterious clinical experiences, the Forsyth case. Maria Pierri begins with a preliminary illustration of the case, its historical context, and how it connects to Freud's interests in 'thought-transmission', or telepathy. Sigmund Freud and The Forsyth Case details Pierri's attempts to recover the lost original case notes, which are published here for the first time, to identify the patient involved and to set the case into the broader frame of Freud's work. The book also explores Freud's further investigations into thought-transmission, focusing around a meeting of the Secret Committee in October 1919 and his clinical work with his own daughter Anna. Occultism and the Origins of Psychoanalysis traces the origins of key psychoanalytic ideas back to their roots in hypnosis and the occult. Maria Pierri follows Sigmund Freud's early interest in 'thought transmission', now known as telepathy. Freud's private investigations led to discussions with other leading figures, including Sandor Ferenczi, with whom he held a 'dialogue of the unconsciouses', and Carl Jung. Freud and Ferenczi's work assessed how fortune tellers could read the past from a client, inspiring their investigations into countertransference, the analytic relationship, unconscious communication and mother-infant relationality. Pierri clearly links modern psychoanalytic practice with Freud's interests in the occult using primary sources, some of which have never before been published in English. These books will be essential reading for psychoanalysts in practice and in training, as well as academics and scholars of psychoanalytic studies, Freudian ideas, psychoanalytic theory, the occult, spirituality and the history of psychology. -- Contents: Volume 1: Introduction by Stefano Bolognini -- Prologue: A result of character: the cocaine, this magical substance -- 1. Vienna, Porta Orientis of the Unconscious -- The force of suggestion: the "wonderful somnambulists" -- Hypnosis -- Vienna, laboratory of modernity -- 2. The Young Freud -- A passionate young researcher into Nature -- First love -- Martha and Bertha: the languages of passion -- 3. The Lesson of Jean Martin Charcot -- At the Salpêtrière -- The apparatus of language -- The magic of words -- 4. The lesson of Josef Breuer and the "descent to the Mothers" -- Studies on Hysteria -- A difficult separation: not all debts can be paid -- A foundation myth: a false pregnancy and a cure with a defect. -- 5. Sigmund Freud's lesson -- The discovery of a false connection -- Irma's throat and the feminine at the origin of psychoanalysis. -- Dream as desire -- 6. Fliess and the invention of psychoanalysis -- A secret correspondence -- My Friend in Berlin -- Freud's heart trouble -- 7. The discovery of infantile sexuality -- Self-analysis and the writing cure -- Cherchez la femme: the case of Emma Eckstein -- 8. Original thought requires a rupture -- The "reader of thoughts" -- The accusation of plagiarism -- A future in the image of the past: predestination and superstition -- 9. Occultism made in the U.S.A. -- Spiritualism -- Medium, Media and "Mental telegraphy" -- First hypotheses about the unconscious -- 10 Jung, spiritualism and countertransference: the world of the dead -- Jung, Poltergeist phenomena and séances -- The arrival at Burghölzli -- First visit to Vienna -- Easter 1909: Jung's spiritual complex and Sabina -- The dangerous fascination of the "beautiful Jewess" -- 11. Ferenczi, the unclassifiable -- The sultan and his "clairvoyant" -- A psychoanalyst 'of a restless mind' -- Ferenczi and the hidden treasure of Spiritualism -- The encounter with Freud: a postponed transferential appointment -- 12. A Journey to America -- Three men and an eventful, mutually analytic crossing: the outward journey… -- … and back again -- 13. The Danaan Gift -- The clairvoyant who reads Ferenczi's mind -- The patient who reads Ferenczi's mind -- The Palermo incident, or the interpretation of paranoia -- The psychic work of the clairvoyant: two unfulfilled prophecies -- 14. An Epistolary Novel -- Ferenczi and incestuous countertransferential storms. From mother to daughter -- What is still missing is the fatherly blessing. Fatefulness and Oedipal coincidences -- Elma Pàlos, fragment of the analysis of a seduction -- The open wound in Ferenczi's heart, a source of creativity -- 15. The Saturday goy: getting to know Dr Jones -- The Welsh liar -- Difficult beginnings -- Freud's first pupil from Britain -- Dr Jones's stethoscope: rationalization and censorship of excess countertransference -- A prescribed training analysis in Budapest -- 16. The Intergenerational Transmission of Psychoanalysis -- Love and Death: the three women of the three pupils -- "If you go to women, don't forget the whip" -- At school with Freud: the transmission of psychoanalysis -- 17. The secret Committee -- The transformations and the desertion of Jung -- A missed meeting: the "Kreuzlingen gesture" -- The Committee: the Männerbund and the defence of the "Cause" (Die Sache) -- Totem and taboo: unconscious intelligence and intergenerational transmission of thought -- 18. The Year before the War -- The last congress with Jung -- A black tide of Occultism -- The question of telepathy -- The Dialogues of the Unconscious -- Epilogue: Epilogue: A fortune-teller visits Freud in Berggasse -- Bibliography -- -- Volume 2.: Prologue: Telepathy, superstitions and mushrooms -- 1. Coincidences of the psychoanalytic setting: a strange home visit -- M. de Fortgibu and his plum pudding -- The maternal in the circumstances of the setting: the psychoanalytic clock. -- "All things are chained, knotted, in love..." -- Coincidences in analysis -- Notable examples: From Carl G. Jung; Eugenio Gaddini; José Bleger; Joyce McDougall -- Telepathy, an enlightening mistake. -- Freud and the "Forsyth case" -- 2. Forsyth arrives in Vienna to undertake a seven-week analysis with Prof Freud -- The Decline of the West -- Introduction to Psycho-Analysis: the first twenty-eight Lectures -- Hunger in Vienna -- Parcels from England -- A passage to Austria -- A moment of forgetfulness by Freud -- 3. Herr P. ends his analysis with Prof. Freud in a rather extraordinary way -- New introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis -- The "Forsyth case" -- Solve et coagula -- The Postscript of a Preface -- 4. The Duellists -- Meeting in Zurich -- The duellists -- The first training analysis in Budapest -- Forsyth, the pediatrician "once a friend of mine." -- 5. Nachträglichkeit: Following the traces of a long deferral -- Freud becomes a heretic: the debate about the "transmission of thought" within the Committee -- A mistake by Freud -- The memorable Harzreise -- 1921, an essay in two halves: Vorbericht-Preface, Nachtrag-Postscript -- 1922, Dreams and Telepathy -- Perplexities, second thoughts and experiments with Ferenczi and Anna -- 1925, section C: "The Occult Significance of Dreams" -- Still playing for time -- 1933, Lecture XXX, "Dream and Occultism" -- The gold coin -- 6. The disappeared-occulted manuscript -- The posthumous publication of the Vorbericht (1921) in "Psychoanalysis and Telepathy" (1941) and the disappearance of the Nachtrag -- Hide and seek -- Back to Freud's secret text: found in translation -- 7. Sigmund Freud: Postscript (1921) -- 8. Manuscript details, slips and errors -- Conditions and details -- Freud's "errors" and the occulted "dritte Fall" -- Nachträglichkeit and reconstructions -- 9. During the great war -- Circumstances -- A coming-of-age prematurely interrupted -- Freud's forced inactivity: the Metapsychology and the Introductory Lectures -- Impotence and death anxiety. Towards the uncanny defeat -- Ernest Jones's war -- Ferenczi's kisses -- 10. Coincidences in Vienna: a week of fireworks in autumn 1919 -- The new orientation towards the West -- The heart towards the Est -- 11. The strange case of Dr. Forsyth and Mr. Vorsicht: the build-up -- The "secret language" -- The Man of Property -- Staging: the Preconscious at work -- Correspondences -- The Fortsein game: The troublesome individual and a first repression; The missed appointment; The coincidence of the "neighbours"; The joke of the "home visit"; An ambivalent gift -- 12. The strange case of Dr. Forsyth and Mr. Vorsicht: the session -- Vorsicht, Forsyth, Forsyte -- The visiting card -- The Freud-Freund slip -- The Nightmare and Jones monograph on the "Alptraum" -- The faulty translations -- 13. That Forsyte woman -- Return to the mothers - Telepathy, "distant proximity" -- Don Giovanni: Zitto, mi pare sentire odor di femmina.... -- 14. Retrospective: the lost scene -- Caritas Romana: "This is the place, this is the source" -- A destiny and a choice made long ago -- "Little Freud": a child is being conceived -- Me too! -- 15. A hereditary transmission -- A daughter is being analysed -- Lou Andreas Salomé: a mother-sister -- Thought-transmission? A pair of twin papers: The father's text; The daughter's text -- "Lifedeath" -- "Not to be there": the process of separation and the game of Fortsein -- Anna, Antigone -- 16. 1932 "Dreams and Occultism" and the Confusion of tongues -- 17. "Herr Vorsicht", alias Paul Bernfeld -- "The eldest of a family of eight or nine children" -- The firm of Paul Bernfeld and Heinrich Rosenberg, B & R: jokes and repetitions by the preconscious -- 18 A secret in the "Premise": about the substitute of the Third Case -- 19. Dr. David Forsyth leaves the scene and the story. Circumstances of the birth of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis -- Seven Weeks in Vienna -- The Forsyth affaire -- Forsyth leaves the scene -- 20. The Freud's final orientation towards the West: from Vienna to London -- "Fortsein": Professor Freud is has "gone" away -- Fort-Da. The return: story of a Cap -- 21. The importance of being Ernest Jones. The cycle closes -- Transmission of the tradition and "crypts" -- Free associations: memories of a psycho-analyst -- Epilogue: A debt to pay -- Bibliography. ISBN 9781032308920
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Occultism and the Origins of Psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud and the Forsyth Case.

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