The shaggy pile of this rug is luxuriously soft. It will need regular upkeep to preserve that new-rug look. If you find your rug becomes flattened over time, here’s how to keep it looking good as new. Give the pile chance to recover, don’t let your rug be constantly flattened. Every few weeks, change the position of your furniture by a few cm to take the pressure off your rug. You can also turn your rug regularly to help even wear. Use coasters under heavy furniture to even the pressure on your rug. Vacuum regularly with a floor tool attachment, taking time to allow the pile to be pulled up from its flattened position. A steam cleaner is a great way to revitalise the pile of your rug – steam and then once dry, gently pull the pile up with a fork. A great hack if you are patient! Identify the main walkways through your home, if you can change the flow of traffic regularly this will give the pile time to recover.