German Romantics. Rare and first editions. Exhibitions New York, Deutsches Haus, 2.-I4. 10. 1979. Düsseldorf, Antiquariat Kaldewey, 26. 10.-7. 11. 1979. Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek. 10.-25. 11. 1979.

von Kaldewey, Gunnar A. (Ed.):

Kaldewey, Gunnar A. (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Kaldewey, 1979.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. Abb. Originalbroschur. 119 S.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben. - This catalogue describes 100 titles in a collection consisting of around 700 volumes of works by German Romantic authors. The collection can be considered as probably the most comprehensive ever devoted to this subject in the rare book trade. The entire collection is for sale. Let me mention only a few of the most venerable: August Wilhelm Schlegel Athenäum, the journal Lyceum, and his later Deutsches Museum, his Geschichte der Poesie der Griechen, his Lucinde and Friedrich Schleiermacher's defense of it; A. W. Schlegel's first translation of Shakespeare; Clemens Brentano: Gockel Hinkel, Gakeleja; the first edition of the 3 volumes of Des Knaben Wunderhorn and Friedrich von Arnim Kronenwächter; Johann Gottlieb Fichte Wissenschaftslehre; the extraordinarily rare first edition of Kudwig Tieck's early collected works and, separately, his Gestiefelte Kater; Joseph Görres Teutsche Volksbücher; Jakob und Wilhelm Grimm Kindermärchen; Jean Paul Titan; E. T. H. Hoffmann Elixiere des Teufels; Wilhelm Hauff Phantasien im Bremer Ratskeller; Joseph von Eichendorff Taugenichts; Eduard Mörike Maler Nolten.
Unser Preis
EUR 17,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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German Romantics. Rare and first editions.

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