Research in analytical psychology. Empirical research.

von Roesler, Christian (Ed.):

Roesler, Christian (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
London ; New York : Routledge, 2018.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. XI, 260 S.
ca. 550 g
Psychological empiricism and naturalism. Philip Kime -- Complexes and the unconscious: from the association experiment to recent fMRI studies. Christian Roesler and Tina van Uffelen -- Experimental approaches to the study of the archetype Milena Sotirova-Kohli -- The relevance of the Jungian concept of "image" to contemporary process research through linguistic analysis: a bridge between analytical and cognitive psychology. Alessandra De Coro -- Jungian dream interpretation and empirical dream research Christian Roesler -- Dreaming under fire: the psyche in times of continuous stress Tamar Kron -- Neuroscientific studies of trauma applied to Jungian psychology Joseph Cambray -- The cultural skin in China: the impact of culture upon development and clinical practice. Brian Feldman -- Sandplay: a method for research with trauma. Denise Gimenez Ramos and Reinalda Melo da Matta -- Pictures of transformation and the symbolic attitude: a research perspective on picture interpretation and the therapeutic mundtis imaginalis. Manfred Krapp -- Research on the effectiveness of Jungian psychotherapy: state of the art. Christian Roesler -- Quality management and empirical research activities in Jungian psychotherapy in Germany. Wolfram Keller -- Research on training: findings from the evaluation of the IAAP's International Router training program. John Merchant -- Synchronicity and the experience of psychophysical correlations. Harald Atmanspacher -- Synchronistic experiences in psychotherapy: empirical studies. Christian Roesler. ISBN 9781138694910
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Research in analytical psychology. Empirical research.

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