Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx.

von Neumark, Heidi B.:

Neumark, Heidi B.:
Verlag / Jahr
Beacon Press, 2003.
Format / Einband
Hardcover / Gebundene Ausgabe. 286 p.
ca. 608 g
Very good copy with personal dedication by the author / sehr gutes Exemplar mit persönlicher Widmung der Autorin. - BREATHING SPACE is the story of a young woman, Heidi Neumark, and the Hispanic and African-Ame rican Lutheran church—aptly named Transfiguration—that took a chance call ing on a pastor from a starkly different back ground. Despite living and working in a milieu of overwhelming poverty and violence, Neumark and the congregation encounter even more powerful forces of hope and renewal. This is the story of a church and a community creating space for new life and breath in a place where children suffer the highest asthma rates in the nation. It’s also the story of a young woman— working, raising her children, and struggling for spiritual breathing space. Through poignant, intimate stories, Neumark charts her journey alongside her parishioners as pastor, church, and community grow in wisdom and together experience transformation. Ifyou come upon Transfiguration Lutheran Church on the corner of East l$6th Street and Prospect Avenue in the South Bronx, the first thingyou’ll notice are the doors, spray-painted with a bright mural... across the top of the doors,you will read a line from the prophet Isaiah: "My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples. ” The doors swing open into the histoy of this place and ny arrival here. HEIDI B. NEUMARK has served as pastor of Transfiguration Lutheran Church in the South Bronx since 1984- She is a founding member of South Bronx Churches, an ecumenical community organizing group that has trained local leaders, built hundreds of low-cost homes, and established a top-ranked public high school. The Reverend Neumark is also the founder of Transfiguration Community Life Center, Inc., an organization providing after-school and job-training programs for youth, HIV and domestic violence education and support, and other services. She lives with her family in New York City. ISBN 9780807072561
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Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx.

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