Whose Gospel? A Concise Guide to Progressive Protestantism - Whose Religion?

von Forbes Jr., James A.:

Forbes Jr., James A.:
Verlag / Jahr
The New Press., 01.2010.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover mit Schutzumschlag / with dust jacket. XVI, 176 Seiten / p.
ca. 290 g
Sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - In Whose Gospel?, one of America’s greatest living preachers offers a compelling guide to social change for churches and the nation. Known as “the preacher’s preacher,” Dr. James A. Forbes Jr. shows, in his beautiful and profoundly moving style, how the Bible supports progressive views on six crucial issues: poverty, war, women’s equality, racial justice, sexuality, and the environment. Forbes’s healing insights, astute biblical interpretations, and vivid storytelling will be welcome good news in this new era of hope and change - and a great new addition to The New Press’s Whose Religion? series. -- Long a powerful and inspiring voice for progressive Protestants, Forbes draws on a record of political commitment ranging from the civil rights movement to his stirring address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, in addition to his eighteen years at the helm of New York City’s historic Riverside Church. Reflecting the insights of his years as a pastor, a teacher, and an adviser to political leaders, this uplifting manifesto “for the healing of the nations’ epitomizes the best thinking of one of the country’s foremost religious figures. ISBN 9781595583970
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