Technological innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth. Add. ed. Luisa Segnana. / Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften. H. 427.

von Clauser, Onorio, Peter Kalmbach Giovanni Pegoretti (eds.) a. o.:

Clauser, Onorio, Peter Kalmbach Giovanni Pegoretti (eds.) a. o.:
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 1992.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 381 S. : graph. Darst.
ca. 496 g
Stempel auf Fußschnitt, Einband ganz leicht berieben, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. - International Conference Research, Innovation, and Economic Growth, Trento, February 21 - 22, 1991. - Inhalt: O. Clauser / P. Kalmbach / G. Pegoretti / L. Segnana, Introduction - L. Scholz, Technological Innovation in Industry: Conception and Results of Innovation Surveys - W. Goldmann, Research and Development in Austria in an International Comparison - K. Hornschild, The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Framework of Technology Conditioned Structural Changes - R. Paci, Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness: The Cases of Germany and Italy - P. Bianchi, Theory of the Firm, Innovative Processes and Institutional Change - W. Clement, Pattern Detection in Innovation Research - P. Pini, Macroeconomic Analysis of the Employment Effects of Technological Change: An Evaluation of the Links Between Theoretical Framework and Empirical Models - P. Kalmbach, The Impact of New Technologies on Employment: The State of the Art and Perspectives for Research - R. Leoni, Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Technological Innovations: Issues, Empirical Evidence and Implications - P. Piacentini, Capacity and Employment: Macroeconomic Implications of the Variability of the Age Structure of the Capital Stock - L. Uhlmann, Technical Innovation and the Labour Market - F. Targetti / A. Foti, Growth and Technical Progress: Convergence or Divergence among Countries - G. Clemenz, International R&D Competition in Cournot Oligopolies - F. Pigliaru / L. Segnana, Spillovers, Localized Learning and Comparative Advantage - G. Antonelli / G. Pegoretti, Technological Change, Technological Systems, Factors of Production - B. Böhm / L. F. Punzo, Detecting Structural Change: A Scheme for the Comparison of Austria and Italy in the Seventies and Eigthies - O. Clauser / G. Gios / R. Raffaelli, Innovations Constrained by Scarce Resources. ISBN 9783428076277
Technischer Fortschritt ; Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ; Wirtschaftswachstum ; Kongress ; Trient, Wirtschaft
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Technological innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth.

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