Yakety Yak. The Midnight Confessions and Revelations of Thirty-Seven Rock Stars and Legends.

von Cohen, Scott:

Cohen, Scott:
Verlag / Jahr
Fireside; NY, 1994.
Format / Einband
192 S.; zahlr. Illustr.; 20 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband gering berieben. - Englisch. - Yakety Yak is the "confessions" of major and influential rock stars of the past thirty years. --- Many of these people are legendary. Some are rarely, if ever, quoted. None are ever quoted saying things you'll find in this book, like: --- Bob Dylan-MOVIES i WISH I HAD BEEN IN: --- "The Devil and Miss Jones, I Was a Zombie for the FBI, and Ben Hur." --- Madonna-WHAT REALLY TURNS ME ON: --- "Crucifixes-because there's a naked man on them." --- David Bowie-A MAJOR FLAW IN MY CHARACTER: --- "I have to control people." --- Steven Tyler-A QUESTION I OFTEN ASK MYSELF: --- "If men bled, would tampons be free?" --- Ice-T- MY CURRENT RECORD: --- "15 arrests, 0 convictions." --- David Byrne-WHERE I HANG MY HAT: --- "Not in the overhead bin of an airplane!" --- James Brown-SOMEONE I WAS IN A PREVIOUS LIFETIME: --- "Moses." --- Iggy Pop-SOME THINGS I'VE BEEN HIT WITH ON STAGE: --- "Grapefruit, beer cans, eggs, spit, money, lit cigarette butts, mandies, Quaaludes, joints, bras, panties, and, after playing a gig at the Rock V Roll Farm in Wayne, Michigan, in the late 1970s, by a six-foot-five mountain man's fist; he decked me with one punch." --- Neil Young-A PHOTOGRAPH I WISH I HAD BEEN IN: --- "One with me looking into the camera with the Egyptians behind me building the Pyramids." --- Lenny Kravitz-THE TOUGHEST THING ABOUT BEING A BLACK JEW: --- "Wearing a yarmulka with an Afro." --- RuPaul-MY FAVORITE FLOAT IN THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE: --- "Bugs Bunny, the ultimate drag queen, the ultimate heckler." --- SCOTT COHEN was a founding editor of Spin, where he worked until 1990. He has written for Interview, Playboy, Allure, Mirabella, and other magazines. His works appear regularly in the "Styles" section of The New York Times and in Details. (Verlagstext) ISBN 0671880926
Pock / Pop; Kultur; Musik
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EUR 13,00
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Yakety Yak. The Midnight Confessions and Revelations of Thirty-Seven Rock Stars and Legends.

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