Searching for the patient's presence in medical case reports. Philologica Wratislaviensia ; Vol. 5

von Zabielska, Magdalena:

Zabielska, Magdalena:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M. : Lang-Ed., 2014.
Format / Einband
Pp. 213 S. ; 22 cm, 370 g
ca. 315 g
Tadelloses Exemplar. - Contents -- Introduction 9 -- Chapter One: Theoretical background 11 -- 1. Discourse and discourse analysis 12 -- 2. Text 13 -- 3. Genre 14 -- 4. Social constructionism and language 18 -- 5. Scientific discourse and its relation to reality 25 -- 6. Medical discourse 30 -- 7. Studies in medical discourse - form vs. content 31 -- 8. Case report as a medical genre 33 -- Chapter Two: Medical discourse and case reports -- from a historical perspective 37 -- 1. From Hippocrates to the seventeenth-century medicine 37 -- 2. Pathological anatomy. 39 -- 3. The birth of the clinic 40 -- 4. The nineteenth century 43 -- 5. The advent of technology 44 -- Chapter Three: Medical discourse -- in the modern context 47 -- 1. The reign of technology continued 47 -- 2. The biomedical model 49 -- 3. "Boys in white" 55 -- 4. Alternative models of medicine 59 -- 4.1. Patient-centered medicine 59 -- 4.2. Patient-centeredness in practice 63 -- 5. Incommensurability of discourses 65 -- 6. Contemporary medical discourse and case reports 68 -- 7. Socially constructed biomedical discourse 74 -- Chapter Four: Theoretical aspects of the analysis -- of medical case reports 81 -- 1. Hierarchical levels of medical description 81 -- 2. Modes of disease presentation 83 -- 3. The semiotics of disease and illness 85 -- 4. Metaphor 87 -- 5. Analytical tools 91 -- 5.1. Sentence constituents from three perspectives 91 -- 5.2. The figure and ground distinction 96 -- Chapter Five: The analysis of medical case reports 99 -- 1. Data 100 -- 1.1. General information 100 -- 1.2. Structure of the articles 102 -- 2. Quantitative analysis: methods 105 -- 2.1. Selection, classification and distribution -- of patient references 105 -- 2.2. Statistical analysis: tests and methods Ill -- 2.3. Illustration of the method 114 -- 3. Quantitative analysis: results 117 -- 3.1. Whole vs. part and sentential positions -- within sections in the whole corpus 118 -- 3.2. Whole and part and sentential positions -- between sections in the whole corpus 119 -- 3.3. Discussion of the results of the quantitative analysis 119 -- 3.4. Further remarks 122 -- 4. Qualitative analysis: Results 123 -- 4.1. Introduction section 125 -- 4.2. Case Report body section 127 -- 4.3. Comment/Discussion section 136 -- 4.4. Patient-centered discourse 138 -- 4.5. Objectifying discourse 142 -- 4.6. Other patient-imaging techniques 146 -- 4.7. Discussion 151 -- Chapter Six: Readers' reception of patient imaging -- in medical case reports 157 -- 1. Subjects and methods 158 -- 2. Questionnaire design 161 -- 3. Results and analysis of the questionnaire 162 -- 4. Discussion 168 -- 5. Methodological remarks 168 -- 6. Implications for further studies 169 -- Conclusion: Summarizing the achievements of the work 171 -- Bibliography 177 -- Works cited and consulted 177 -- Primary sources 199 -- Index: Names and terms from the main text 205 ISBN 9783631652114
Medizin ; Fachsprache ; Wissenschaftlicher Text ; Patient ; Diskursanalyse, Englisch
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Searching for the patient's presence in medical case reports.

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