The meta-power paradigm : impacts and transformations of agents, institutions, and social systems ; capitalism, state, and democracy in a global context.

von Burns, Tom R. (Hrsg.) und Peter M. (Hrsg.) Hall:

Burns, Tom R. (Hrsg.) und Peter M. (Hrsg.) Hall:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M. ; Berlin ; Bern ; Bruxelles ; New York, NY ; Oxford ; Wien : Lang, 2012.
Format / Einband
kart. 554 S. : graph. Darst. ; 21 cm, 710 g
ca. 653 g
Tadelloses Exemplar. - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S -- Preface 9 -- Part I: Selected Classic Studies o f Meta-power -- 1. Conceptualizing Power and Meta-power: Causalities, Mechanisms, and -- Constructions 21 -- Tom R. B/in/s (with Peter M. Hall and Patrick W. McGinty) -- 2. Meta-power and Relational Control in Social Life 83 -- Tom Bamugartner. Waller Buckley, and Tom R. Bums -- 3. Interactions and the Study o f Social Organization 107 -- Peter M. Hall -- 4. Meta-power and the Structuring o f International Economic Institutions -- and Exchange 129 -- Tow Baumgartner, l ow R. Bums, and Philippe DeVH/e -- 5. Meta-power and the Struggle over International Regimes: The Case o f the -- Third World against Global Liberalism 155 -- Stephen D. Krasner -- Part II: Meta-power Paradigm Extended -- 6. The Exercise o f Power to Transform Structures: Concepts, Principles, and -- Illustrations o f Meta-powering 177 -- Tom R. Bums in collaboration with Peter M. Hall -- 7. Meta-Power, Social Organization, and the Shaping o f Social Action 237 -- Peter M. Hal! -- 8. The Cultural Domain: Extensions and Applications o f Meta-power and -- Structural Power 259 -- Peter M. Hall in collaboration mth 'Tom R. Bums and Nora Machado -- 9. Societal Systems o f Power and Meta-Power: Capitalism, State, and -- Democratic Arrangements 291 -- Tom R. Bums in collaboration mth Philippe DeVille and Anne Marie Kolliokoski -- Part III: Agential Meta-powering (Micro-Meso-Macro Case Studies) -- 10. Meta-power, Staging Work, and Constructing a Religious Experience 379 -- Kenin McF.lmuny and Peter M. Hall -- 11.The Lip Factor)' Conflict: Meta-Power and Game Transformation — -- Lessons in Conflict Development and Conflict Resolution 405 -- 'Tom Baumgartner, Tom R. Bums, and Philippe DeVille -- 12. Social Organization across Space and Time: The Policy Process, -- Mesodomain Analysis, and Breadth o f Perspective 421 -- Peter M. Hall and Patrick W. McGinty -- 1 -- 13. Meta-power and the Disintegration o f Yugoslavia -- Dusko Sekiilic -- 439 -- Part IV: Meta-power and the Structuring o f the International Global -- Systems -- 14. Behind the Scenes. The Security Council, the Right o f Humanitarian -- Intervention, and Meta-Power 451 -- Hannes Peltonen -- 15. The Meta-power o f Interactions: Security and Commerce in Networked -- Environments 469 -- J. P. Singh -- 16. Redefining Power in the Global Age: Eight Theses 491 -- Ulrich Beck -- 17. The Sustainability Revolution: A Societal Paradigm Shift —Ethos, -- Innovative Agents, Social Transformation 501 -- 1'om R. Burns -- Epilogue 519 -- References 523 -- Index 547 ISBN 9783631616383
Macht ; Soziale Kontrolle ; Soziales System ; Institution <Soziologie> ; Sozialer Wandel ; Aufsatzsammlung; Kapitalismus ; Staat ; Demokratie ; Macht ; Soziale Konstruktion ; Aufsatzsammlung, Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
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The meta-power paradigm : impacts and transformations of agents, institutions, and social systems ; capitalism, state, and democracy in a global context.

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