Metaphoricity of conventionalized diegetic images in comics. A study in multimodal cognitive linguistics. / Lódz studies in language ; vol. 54.

von Szawerna, Michal:

Szawerna, Michal:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt am Main ; Bern ; Wien : Peter Lang, 2017.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 487 S., Abb.
ca. 711 g
Ein tadelloses Exemplar. - This book offers a cognitive-semiotic approach to metaphoricity of visual representations in static visual narratives referred to as comics. It implements this approach in an exploration of conventionalized visual signs depicting diegetic situations, motion events, sound events, and diverse psychological experiences in such narratives. With his focus on the intersection of comics studies, conceptual metaphor theory, and Charles Sanders Peirce’s theory of signs, the author analyzes a broad array of attested data retrieved from comics exemplifying various publication formats, generic conventions, and cultural traditions. His exploration situates the metaphoricity of the analyzed visual signs against the backdrop of their overall semiotic makeup and in relation to the metaphoricity of their linguistic counterparts. ISBN 9783631675212
Visuelles Gestaltungsmittel ; Comic ; Kognitive Linguistik, Sprache, Linguistik, Comics, Cartoons, Karikaturen, Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
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Metaphoricity of conventionalized diegetic images in comics.

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