The International Review of Psycho-Analysis. Volume 10, 1983, Part 1-4 (4 vols.) Published in conjunction with the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis.

von Hayley, Thomas T.S. (Ed.):

Hayley, Thomas T.S. (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Published by Baillière Tindall for The Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London, 1983.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. 502 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - RUTH S. EISSLER and K. R. EISSLER A letter by Freud to Professor Tandler -- JUNE L. HADLEY The representational system: a bridging concept for psychoanalysis and neurophysiology -- NANETTE C. AUERHAHN and ERNST PRELINGER Repetition in the concentration camp survivor and her child -- DAVID ABERBACH Screen memories of writers -- ROBERT E. ERARD New wine in old skins: a reappraisal of the concept 'acting out' -- MEG HARRIS WILLIAMS 'Underlying pattern' in Bion's Memoir of the Future -- HERBERT LEHMANN Freud's dream of February 1918 -- J. R. MAZE Virginia Woolf: ideas of marriage and death in The Voyage Out -- DONALD LEVY Wittgenstein on the form of psychoanalytic interpretation -- ROBERT S. WALLERSTEIN Reality and its attributes as psychoanalytic concepts : an historical overview -- ERICH SIMENAUER Some aspects of training analysis -- DAN H. BUIE, W. W. MEISSNER, A. M. RIZZUTO and J. I. SASHIN Aggression in the psychoanalytic situation -- IRIS RITTENBERG WILLEY 'Hatching' from symbiosis: the emergence of integrational ability -- MAURO MANCIA Archaeology of Freudian thought and the history of neuro-physiology -- ETHEL SPECTOR PERSON Women in therapy: therapist gender as a variable -- AVA L. SIEGLER The Oedipus myth and the Oedipus complex: intersecting realms, shared structures -- AVNER FALK Border symbolism revisited -- R. D. HINSHELWOOD Projective identification and Marx's concept of man -- JAMES LIGHTHILL and DAVID JAYNES The Freud Memorial Professorship at University College London: a review of its development and future -- JUDITH ISSROFF A reaction to reading 'Boundary and Space. An Introduction to the Work of D. W. Winnicott' by M. Davis and D. Wallbridge -- JONATHAN MILLER Crowds and power. Some English ideas on the status of primitive personality -- SHELLEY ORGEL The self-analytic education of Henry Adams -- NEVILLE SYMINGTON The analyst's act of freedom as agent of therapeutic change -- J. CHASSEGUET-SMIRGEL Perversion and the universal law -- JOHN FRIEDMAN and JAMES ALEXANDER Psychoanalysis and natural science: Freud's 1895 Project revisited -- CHRISTA SCHLIERF Transitional objects and object relationship in a case of anxiety neurosis -- ROSEMARIE SAND Confirmation in the Dora case -- ERICH SIMENAUER A personal view -- EVELYNE SCHWABER Psychoanalytic listening and psychic reality -- CHARLES HANLY A problem of theory testing -- DAVID TUCKETT Words and the psychoanalytical interaction -- MICHAEL EIGEN Dual union or undifferentiation? A critique of Marion Milner's view of the sense of psychic creativeness -- ANDREW SAMUELS The theory of archetypes in Jungian and Post-Jungian analytical psychology -- ALAN A. STONE A brief note on Kant and free association -- DAVID S. WERMAN and THEODORE J. JACOBS Thomas Hardy's 'The Well-Beloved' and the nature of infatuation -- OBITUARY ERIC C. WITTKOWER.
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The International Review of Psycho-Analysis. Volume 10, 1983, Part 1-4 (4 vols.)

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