Volume 90. Number 3. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. June 2009.

von Birksted-Breen, Dana (Ed.):

Birksted-Breen, Dana (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
S. 438-695; 25 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar; geringfügige Gebrauchsspuren. - Englisch. // ISSN 0020-7578. // INHALT : PSYCHOANALYTIC CONTROVERSIES ON THE IDEA THAT ANALYSTS SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE TO THEIR PATIENTS THAT THEY HAVE FAILED THEM: A CLINICAL DEBATE ---- An introduction ---- R. B. BLASS ---- A relational psychoanalysis perspective on the necessity of acknowledging failure in order to restore the facilitating and containing features of the intersubjective relationship the shared third) J. BENJAMIN ---- Discussion ---- V. SEDLAK ---- Response ---- J. BENJAMIN ---- PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY AND TECHNIQUE ---- Looking back, looking forward: A reexamination of Benjamin Wolstein's interlock and the emergence of intersubjectivity C. BOXOVITZ ---- The body container': A new perspective on the ---- 'body ego' ---- T. POIIAK ---- A confusion of tongues between psychoanalysis and philosophy: Is the controversy over drive versus relational theory a philosophical one? ---- G.TAUB ---- Symmetric frenzy and catastrophic change: A consideration of primitive mental states in the wake of Bion and Matte Blanco ---- R. LOMBAKDI ---- HISTORY OF PSYCHOANALYSIS ---- The relevance of castration and circumcision to the origins of psychoanalysis: . The medical context ---- C. BONOMI ---- INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES ---- The ironic detachment of Edward Gibbon ---- H. TROSMAN ---- 'The healing power of love': The literary/analytic bond of marriage in Freud's essay on Gradiva ---- D. ASHUR ---- CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOANALYSIS ---- On boredom: A close encounter with ---- encapsulated parts of the psyche ---- A. BERGSTEIN / (u.a.m.)
Psychoanalyse; Zeitschrift, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
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Volume 90. Number 3. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis.

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