Enabling and inspiring. A tribute to Martha Harris. In consultation with Maria Rhode, Margaret Rustin, and Gianna Polanco Williams. Preface by Meg Harris Williams.

von Harris Williams, Meg (Ed.):

Harris Williams, Meg (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
London : Karnac, 2012.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. XXVI, 342 S.
ca. 550 g
Einband berieben. - Mattie at work. Gianna Polacco Williams -- Mattie as an educator. Margaret Rustin -- Mattie's teaching methods. Ann Cebon -- Mattie's contribution to the study of infant observation. Janine Sternberg -- A psychoanalytic revolution from a speculative to an empirical point of view. Didier Houzel -- The role of Martha Harris from the beginning of the GEEPEN. James Gammill -- Martha Harris: an indelible creative memory. Carlo Brutti and Rita Parlani Brutti -- Made in Hampstead and exported throughout the world: Germany and Austria. Ross A. Lazar -- Mattie in Bombay. Sarosh Forbes -- Turning points enabled by Martha Harris. Marja Schulman -- Growing points and the role of observation. Meg Harris Williams -- The experience of supervision. Catrin Bradley -- Mattie as "maternal container" for a trainee. Evanthe Blandy -- A glimpse of prenatal life. Romana Negri -- Assessment of a little girl and her parents. Simona Nissim -- Supervision of a five year old boy. Andrea Watson -- Revisiting some lessons learned from Martha Harris. Dina Vallino -- Reminiscences of an infant observation with Martha Harris. Angela Goyena -- Family consultations in the footsteps of Martha Harris with toddlers at risk of autism. Maria Rhode -- Shorter recollections: Gabrielle Crockatt, Hélène Dubinsky, Ellen Jaffe, Judy Shuttleworth, Brian Truckle, Eleanor Wigglesworth, Ricky Emanuel, Katherine Arnold, Herbert Chaim Hahn, Carlo Papuzza, Maria Pozzi, Renata Li Causi, Torhild Leira, Eve Steel -- Memories of Mattie. Valerie Sinason -- Mattie's legacy. Asha Phillips -- Mattie on maternal containment. Anne Alvarez -- Baptism under fire: finding my feet as a child psychotherapist. Caroline Gluckman -- On becoming a psychotherapist. Margot Waddell -- Remembering Mattie. Alessandra Piontelli -- Personal recollections of learning from Mattie Harris. Pamela Sorensen -- Mattie's house: a memoir. Selina Sella Marsoni -- A tribute to Mattie. Patricia Kenwood. ISBN 9781780491066
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Enabling and inspiring. A tribute to Martha Harris.

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