Eating America. Crisis, sustenance, sustainability. Gdansk transatlantic studies in British and North American culture 7.

von Kociatkiewicz, Justyna, Dominika Ferens and Laura Suchostawska (Eds.):

Kociatkiewicz, Justyna, Dominika Ferens and Laura Suchostawska (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M. : Lang-Ed., 2015.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 304 S.
ca. 428 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Tomasz Basiuk, Tarte aux pommes, or, Delicacies Morally Good for You -- Malgorzata Poks, Voluntary Simplicity and Voluntary Poverty: Alternatives to Consumer Culture -- Aneta Dybska, The Battle over Squash and Beans: Food Justice Activism in a Polarized City -- Justyna Wierzchowska, Consuming the Artist, Consuming the Image: Marina Abramovic 2001 MOCA Gala Controversy -- Zofia Kolbuszewska, An Abject Guide to America: CSI Lab Autopsy and Stomach Contents as an (Ironic) Index of Interiorizing the Global and the Local -- Agata Zarzycka, Unhappy Meals: Fast Food and the Crisis of the Underground in American Goth-themed Fiction and Graphic Novels -- Oskar Zasada, Devouring Heroism: An Archetype Crisis in American Pop Culture -- Elisabeth A. Frost, Performing Witness: The New Documentary Poetics -- Jacek Partyka, Writing of Crisis and Crisis of Writing: Charles Reznikoffs Testimony (1934) -- Joseph Kuhn, The Pale Horseman: Crisis in the Fiction of Katherine Anne Porter -- Marta Koval, Indigestible America and the Crisis of Multiculturalism in Aleksandar Hemon's Fiction -- Anna Gilarek, Humanity in Crisis: Man-made Apocalypse in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood -- Dominika Bugno-Narecka, Food (and) War in Gravity's Rainbow -- Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Eating Itself to Death: The USA as Seen by McCarthy and Twain -- Paulina Ambrozy, "Resistance Is the Opposite of Escape": Still Life as Sustenance in the Poems of Wallace Stevens and Gertrude Stein -- Veronika Hofstätter, "Twas very hard to get down their filthy trash": Investigating Food and Crisis in Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative (1682) -- Malgorzata Martynuska, Consuming Latinidad: Mexican Foodways in Maria Ripoll's Tortilla Soup (2001) -- Jerzy Kamionowski, "Steam-driven cannibals ... claim us flesh eaters,- wish we were": Black Sustainability through the Voice in African American Poetry on the Middle Passage -- Laura Suchostawska, Thoreau and the Indians, or a Crisis of the American Ideals of the Wild and Wilderness -- Francesca de Lucia, Marching through Wilderness: Relating to the Environment in an Italian American Perspective -- Dominika Ferens -- Between Taste and Interest: Reading Asian American Literature in the Age of Food Literacy. ISBN 9783631646625
USA ; Literatur ; Nahrungsaufnahme <Motiv> ; Krise <Motiv>, Englische Literatur Amerikas, Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
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Eating America. Crisis, sustenance, sustainability.

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