“Somewhere in here it says, Peace on earth, good will to all men. Let’s get it together.”

1970 Georg Jensen Holiday Wrapping Paper / Poster Designed by Herb Lubalin, Ernie Smith and Tom Carnese

Herb Lubalin, Ernie Smith, and Tom Carnese: “Somewhere in here it says, Peace on earth, good will to all men. Let’s get it together.” New York: Lubalin, Smith, and Carnese, 1970. Original edition [The Georg Jensen Graphic Collection Designed by Lubalin, Smith, and Carnese]. Holiday wrapping paper sheet folded in eighths. Printed recto only. Mild wear to left and right edges and expected stressing along the fold lines, lightly handled, but a very good example of a rare survivor.

25 x 37.5-inch (63.5 x 95.25 cm) holiday poster designed by Herb Lubalin and long-time associate Ernie Smith and lettering maestro Tom Carnese.

From Unit Editions: “Holiday poster for second incarnation of Lubalin studio caused by the elevation to partner status of long-time Lubalin associate Ernie Smith and lettering wizard Tom Carnase. The jumble of letterformd, presumably a Victorian assemblage found in one of the old copyright-free graphic ephemera books that Lubalin treasured, is accompanied by the words: ‘Somewhere in here it says, Peace on earth, good will to all men. Let’s get it together.’

“The festive season provided Herb Lubalin’s New York studio with an opportunity to send warm messages of goodwill to its clients, while indulging in some witty, often heartfelt, self-promotional work that displayed its mastery of type.

“The festive messaging that Lubalin and his team produced in the early 1970s – from Christmas and New Year’s cards, to packaging designs for client gifts – occupies an interesting place within the studio’s creative output. Take this holiday poster from 1967, issued by the Lubalin studio’s second incarnation where long-time associate Ernie Smith and lettering maestro Tom Carnese worked as partners.

“While wry humour was often an important part of the studio’s voice, it could still convey more serious sentiments, even during a typically jovial time of year . . .

“Danish jewelry designer, Georg Arthur Jensen, established himself as a silversmith 113 years ago in Copenhagen, on April 19, 1904. His company’s first New York City store opened in 1924. However, it wasn’t until 1969, that a brand new US flagship store opened at 601 Madison Avenue in New York City, shortly before the company was purchased by porcelain manufacturer, Royal Copenhagen, in 1972.

“Lubalin, Smith, Carnase, Inc. was tasked with creating an installation on the scaffolding of the store under construction. Herb Lubalin created a clever typographic installation to allude to the store’s “soon-to-be-revealed” feel prior to its opening, and, at the same time, prominently publicizing the store’s new location. This is one of the lesser known of Lubalin’s three-dimensional projects.

“Georg Jensen remained a client of LSC (Lubalin, Smith, Carnase Inc.) for the next few years. In 1970, the agency was asked to create the Zeefra Frame logo. It was art directed by Herb Lubalin, but executed by Annegret Beier before Beier returned to Paris to work at Herb Lubalin’s Paris Studio, “Lubalin, Delpire & Cie” (with Robert Delpire) in the early 1970s. The studio also designed two typographic cards used for the holiday season.” — The Herb Lubalin Study Center

From the 1980 AIGA Medal Profile: "Coming to terms with Herb Lubalin's work takes you quickly to the heart of a very big subject: the theory of meaning and how meaning is communicated -- how an idea is moved, full and resonant, from one mind to another. Not many have been able to do that better than Lubalin.

"Typography is the key. It is where you start with Lubalin and what you eventually come back to. However, "typography" is not a word Lubalin thought should be applied to his work. "What I do is not really typography, which I think of as an essentially mechanical means of putting characters down on a page. It's designing with letters. Aaron Burns called it, 'typographics,' and since you've got to put a name on things to make them memorable, 'typographics' is as good a name for what I do as any."

"Lubalin was a brilliant, iconoclastic advertising art director -- in the 1940s with Reiss Advertising and then for twenty years with Sudler and Hennessey. Recipient of medal after medal, award after award, and in 1962 named Art Director of the Year by the National Society of Art Directors, he has also been a publication designer of great originality and distinction. He designed startling Eros in the early 60s, intellectually and visually astringent Fact in the mid-60s, lush and luscious Avant Garde late in the same decade, and founded U & lc in 1973 and saw it flourish into the 80s.

"But it is Lubalin and his typographics -- words, letters, pieces of letters, additions to letters, connections and combinations, and virtuoso manipulation of letters -- to which all must return. The "typographic impresario of our time," Dorfsman called him, a man who "profoundly influenced and changed our vision and perception of letter forms, words and language."

"Lubalin at his best delivers the shock of meaning through his typography-based design. Avant Garde literally moves ahead. The Sarah Vaughn Sings poster does just that. Ice Capades skates. There is a child in Mother & Child, and a family in Families. If words are a way of making meaning, then the shapes of their letters give voice, color, character and individuality to that meaning.

"The shock of meaning, in Lubalin's artful hands, delivers delight, as well, delight that flows from sight and insight. "Lubalin," praises Dorfsman, "used his extraordinary talent and taste to transform words and meaning from a medium to an inextricable part of the message? and in so doing, raised typography from the level of craft to art." And it is in his paper U & lc that a lot of threads in Lubalin's life and career get pulled together. It is publication dedicated to the joyful, riotous exploration of the complex relationships between words, letters, type and meaning -- an ebullient advertisement for himself as art director, editor, publisher and purveyor of the shock and delight of meaning through typography and design. "Right now," he said, "I have what every designer wants and few have the good fortune to achieve. I'm my own client. Nobody tells me what to do." And 170,000 subscribers which, with a conservative pass-along estimate, yields 400,000 readers, benefit.

"Herb Lubalin's unique contribution to our times goes well beyond design in much the same way that his typographic innovations go beyond the twenty-six letters, ten numerals and the handful of punctuation marks that comprise our visual, literal vocabulary. Lubalin's imagination, sight and insight have erased boundaries and pushed back frontiers.

"As an agency art director, he pushed beyond the established norm of copy-driven advertising and added a new dimension. As a publication designer, he pushed beyond the boundaries that constrained existing magazines -- both in form and content. In fact, some said he had pushed beyond the boundaries of "good taste," though in retrospect that work is more notable today for its graphic excellence than for its purported prurience. Lubalin helped push back the boundaries of the impact and perception of design -- from an ill-defined, narrowly recognized craft to a powerful communication medium that could put big, important ideas smack in the public eye.

"And finally, he pushed back what were believed to be the boundaries of design for entire generations of designers who were to follow. For such a quiet, gentle person to have accomplished so much is testimony indeed to the power of ideas in the hands of a master. "[Copyright 1981 by AIGA]

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