Internationalization as a challenge to the university and border-transcending mobility of students in Germany and Mexico.

von Pedregal Cortés, Rafael:

Pedregal Cortés, Rafael:
Verlag / Jahr
Leipzig : Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 139 S.
ca. 783 g
This book focuses on two countries: Germany and Mexico, both which are non-English-speaking countries with a tradition of both import and export-oriented higher education. They are located in important geopolitical regions of the world: Germany in the middle of Europe, and Mexico between Latin America and North America. Several questions will be asked and answered: Do Germany and Mexico follow similar or different models of higher education than the Anglo-Saxon countries? Are their institutions of higher education pursuing the competition model or the cooperation model? Are they following or facing the globalization of higher education? This book explores the processes of internationalization of higher education based on an extended bibliography and through the analysis of semi-structured interviews applied in several universities and organizations of Germany and Mexico. It is aimed at discovering if internationalization follows more closely the paradigm of cooperation or competition and whether or not the processes of internationalization of the universities of these countries pursue convergent or divergent ways. ISBN 9783865839855
Deutschland ; Mexiko ; Studentenaustausch ; Auslandsstudium ; Internationalisierung ; Kooperation, Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen
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Internationalization as a challenge to the university and border-transcending mobility

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