Volume 24. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought. Fall 2001; Number 4. A Quarterly of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies.

von Goldberger, Leo (Ed.):

Goldberger, Leo (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Int. Univ. Press, 2001.
Format / Einband
S. 359-462; Abb.; 8°; kart.
ca. 550 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - MOSHE HALEVI SPERO : Self-Effacement as Self- Inscription: Reconsidering Freud's Anonymous "Moses of Michelangelo". // … In fact, Freud himself is in agreement with those who considered the statue as not intended to depict disturbing action. At the very least-that is, before he presents his uniquely psycho-analytic reasons for objecting to the portrait of a violently angry Moses-an angry Moses would have been inconsistent with the state of repose that evidently characterizes all of the other pieces of sculpture that were planned for the tomb of Pope Julius II, who commissioned Michelangelo's work. He is especially sympathetic to those few authors who sensed a hidden, implied action within the statue, even if they did not successfully figure out what that might have been. In fact, reviewing their opinions, Freud is most impressed with their psychological openness to this possibility: "It almost seems as if they had emancipated themselves from the visual image of the statue and had unconsciously begun an analysis of the motive forces behind it, and that that analysis had led them to make the same claim as we have done more consciously and more explicitly" (p. 229). All the same, they miss the point, in Freud's view, because they essentially believe themselves to be describing the present, visible posture of the sculpture, and do not comprehend, as only Freud does, that their characterizations those correct ones which refuse to deny the implicit sense of danger, violence, anger, and readiness to destroy-apply to a middle scene, an intervening one, or a preceding one, not featured but necessary to postulate in order to complete the experience enfolded within this Moses. (369)
Moshe Halevi Spero
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Volume 24. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought. Fall 2001; Number 4.

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