Archaeology in Asia Minor.

von Mellink, Machteld J.:

Mellink, Machteld J.:
Offprint from: American Journal of Archaeology.
Verlag / Jahr
Boston: Archaeological Institute of America, 1977.
Format / Einband
Geheftet. S. 289-321.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. - In 1976 the number of active excavation campaigns was smaller than in previous years, but study, conservation, and publication proceeded. An impressive survey of the field of Anatolian archaeology was given in the papers presented to the VIIIth Congress of the Turkish Historical Society in Ankara, October 1976. Excavations and studies of materials from the Palaeolithic to Byzantine periods came up for discussion; surveys and explorations have begun to fill in areas hitherto blank on our archaeological maps; history and philology have made strides (e.g. with the first presentation of the Masat excavations by Prof. Tahsin Özgüc and the Hittite tablets by Prof. Sedat Alp); classical archaeology was well represented with detailed studies of sculpture and pottery; classical epigraphy still had its traditional, well-deserved emphasis; and in general the active contribution of the youngest generation of Turkish academic archaeologists, museum curators, excavators, and explorers was outstanding. The warm hospitality at the headquarters of the Turk Tarih Kurumu and at a number of official receptions remains a vivid memory; the record of the papers as it will appear in the Proceedings of the Congress will be a document of progress in Anatolian archaeology, in conjunction with the parallel sections in Central Asiatic studies, Ottoman history, and modern Turkish history.
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