Staying on Alone. Letters of Alice B. Toklas. Introd. by Gilbert A. Harrison.

von Burns, Edward (Ed.):

Burns, Edward (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Liveright; NY, 1973.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. XXII; 426 S.; Illustr.; 24 cm.
ca. 700 g
Gutes Ex.; Umschl. gering berieben. - Englisch. // Alice Babette Toklas (* 30. April 1877 in San Francisco; † 7. März 1967 in Paris) war eine US-amerikanische Autorin. Sie war die Sekretärin und Lebensgefährtin der Schriftstellerin und Kunstsammlerin Gertrude Stein. // And why did Gertrude Stein write as she did? " And who was A. B. Toklas? Hollywood put her name in the title of a movie - but the movie was not about her. A Toklas recipe for hashish fudge was known around the world - but Miss Toklas had not invented it. And The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas was, of course, not written by Alice B. Toklas but by her lifelong companion Gertrude Stein. Who and what was Alice B. Toklas? Staying on Alone tells us. Though the famous bell within Alice rang for the genius of Gertrude and others, she had her own genius, revealed in these chatty, fascinating letters written during the twenty years after Gertrude's death in 1946. If letter writing is a lost art, Staying on Alone is a measure of what has been lost. On tissue-thin paper in a tiny, often undecipherable hand, Alice Toklas described her daily life in Paris in absorbing detail, like a latter-day Madame de Sévigné. Here are shrewd, witty observations on some of the most interesting artists, musicians, and writers of the twentieth century: Thornton Wilder, Carl Van Vechten, Edith Sitwell, Anita Loos, Cecil Beaton, Janet Flanner, Bennett Cerf, among others. These are stories about Picasso, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Juan Gris, Cocteau, and Sartre-all revealing a sharp eye that was as much a part of Alice as her devotion to Gertrude and her passion for recipes and gardening. … (Verlagstext) // ILLUSTRATIONEN : GERTRUDE STEIN, CARL VAN VECHTEN, ALICE B. TOKLAS, NEW YORK, 1935 PHOTOGRAPH BY CARL VAN VECHTEN -- Courtesy of The Estate of Carl Van Vechten -- W. G. ROGERS AND GERTRUDE STEIN, BILIGNIN, 1934 PHOTOGRAPH BY MILDRED WESTON ROGERS -- ALICE B. TOKLAS AND BASKET II IN THE LUXEMBOURG GARDENS, 1949 PHOTOGRAPH BY CARL VAN VECHTEN -- Courtesy of The Estate of Carl Van Vechten -- BERNARD'FAY AND GERTRUDE STEIN, BILIGNIN, 1932 -- LOUISE TAYLOR, BELCHAMP ST. PAUL, ENGLAND, 1971 PHOTOGRAPH BY EDWARD BURNS -- GERTRUDE STEIN WITH PICASSO'S PORTRAIT OF HER, PARIS, 1922 -- PHOTOGRAPH BY MAN RAY Courtesy of Man Ray -- SIR FRANCIS ROSE AND GERTRUDE STEIN, BILIGNIN, 1933 -- GERTRUDE STEIN AND ALICE B. TOKLAS IN THE COURTYARD OF 27 RUE DE FLEURUS, 1914 -- MRS. CHARLES B. GOODSPEED, ALICE B. TOKLAS, AND THORNTON WILDER, -- CHICAGO, 1935 -- FANIA MARINOFF VAN VECHTEN AND GERTRUDE STEIN, NEW YORK, 1935 -- PHOTOGRAPH BY CARL VAN VECHTEN -- Courtesy of The Estate of Carl Van Vechten -- RENÉ REULOZ, MADAME CHABOUX, GERTRUDE STEIN, DOCTOR CHABOUX, ALICE B. TOKLAS, AND PIERRE REULOZ, BILIGNIN, 1939 // (u.a.m.) ISBN 0871405695
Alice B. Toklas; Briefe
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Staying on Alone. Letters of Alice B. Toklas. Introd. by Gilbert A. Harrison.

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