China's economic engagement in Africa : a case study of Angola.

von Cemiloglu, Sezgi:

Cemiloglu, Sezgi:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2015.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 217 S., Ill.
ca. 550 g
Ein tadelloses Exemplar. - Table of Contents -- List of Figures XI -- List of Maps XIII -- List of Tables XV -- List of Abbreviations XVII -- Deutsche Zusammenfassung XXI -- Chapter 1: Introduction 1 -- 1.1 The Background of the Relations Between China and Africa 1 -- 1.1.1 China's Foreign Policy Instruments in Africa 13 -- Diplomatic Engagement 14 -- Exchange and Cultural Programs 17 -- Engagement in Media and Commercials 21 -- Foreign Aid in Chinese Characteristics 25 -- 1.2 China in Angola 27 -- 1.2.1 Historical Background of the Relations between -- China and Angola 33 -- 1.2.2 Angola's Importance for China 36 -- 1.2.3 China's Importance for Angola 38 -- 1.3 Literature Review 39 -- 1.3.1 Negative Perspective: China as a Resource Grabber -- and a Neo-Colonialist Power 40 -- 1.3.2 Chinese Way of Aid and Its Effects on Development, -- Economic Growth in Africa 43 -- 1.4 Theoretical Framework and Methodological Approach 49 -- 1.4.1 Explanation of the Theory in the Scope of Economic -- . Relations Between China and Angola 56 -- 1.4.2 Methodological Approach 57 -- 1.4.3 Purpose of the Study and Research Hypothesis 57 -- Chapter 2: Angola Mode as an Indicator of Economic -- Interdependence and a Facilitating Factor -- for Trade, Oil and Infrastructure Contracts 61 -- 2.1 Development of Angola Mode as an Indicator of -- Economic Interdependence 61 -- 2.2 Chinese Credits as a Key to Success in Obtaining Contracts -- in Three Sectors: Trade, Oil and Infrastructure 69 -- 2.2.1 Chinese Credits as Trade Facilitating Factors 70 -- 2.2.2 Chinese Credits as Facilitating Factors for China's -- Access to Angolan Oil Blocks 76 -- 2.2.3 Chinese Credits as Facilitating Factors for -- Infrastructure Contracts 82 -- Construction of Roads, Bridges and Railways 83 -- Construction of Telecommunication Facilities 91 -- Urban Construction 98 -- Construction of Power Plants :.104 -- Conclusion of the Chapter 107 -- Chapter 3: Business Cooperation Between -- China and Angola 109 -- 3.1 Cooperation in Oil and Diamond Sector 112 -- 3.2 Cooperation in the Automotive Sector 130 -- 3.3 Cooperation in Agricultural and Fishing Sector 132 -- Conclusion of the Chapter 137 ISBN 9783631670354
Angola ; Internationale Kooperation ; Wirtschaftsbeziehungen ; Auslandsinvestition ; Entwicklungshilfe ; China ; Geschichte 2002-2014, Wirtschaft
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China's economic engagement in Africa : a case study of Angola.

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