Artist? The hypothesis of bodiness. A new approach to understanding the artist and art.

von Ilgen, Fre:

Ilgen, Fre:
Verlag / Jahr
Tübingen ; Berlin : Wasmuth, 2014.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Fadengehefteter Originalpappband. 295 S.
ca. 1566 g
THE EXPERIENCE OF ART AND NOTHINGNESS Does science offer additional information for understanding art? THEARTIST'SSELF 'An artist is forced by others to paint out of his own free will.' Willem de Kooning -- FÜSSLI TO CRAIG, Does the history of art justify the hypothesis that artists proceed through a virtuoso phase, a transition phase of profound struggle, to the final phase of maturation? -- Henry Fuseli, a change of self-perception, from being subjected to a religious hierarchy towards standing by oneself -- Eugene Delacroix, advanced artistic freedom -- Gustave Moreau, fusing Rome and India, pioneering the unfinished in the fusion of figuration and abstraction -- Auguste Rodin, maturation and Non-Finito in sculpture -- Wassily Kandinsky, synthesis of figuration and abstraction -- Joan Miro, critique on theory and literature -- Constantin Brancusi, a Rumanian in Paris, inspired by Egyptian culture and Tibetan thought -- Jacques Lipchitz, Alexander Archipenko, Ossip Zadkine, coinciding interests and complex cultural or clear idiosyncratic identities Notes on Identity -- Isamu Noguchi, David Smith, Bernhard Heiliger, Seymour Lipton, Song Young-su, Non-Finito as expression of psychological turmoil -- Tyeb Mehta, Natvar Bhavsar, Gotthard Graubner, spiritual East and West synchronize in the profound experience of the universal -- Michael Kidner, Mohamed Taha Hussein, Lee Ufan, Chun Kwang Young, searching the structure of universal expression in the West, Middle East and East -- Adam Henein, Cristobal Gabarron, Michael Bette, Carol Brown Goldberg, in search of universality, structure and acknowledgement of the ornament -- Anil Revri, Hiroshi Senju, Fre llgen, Hazem Taha Hussein, Cristina Barroso, contemporary classic -- Julie Mehretu, Shingo Francis, Wolfgang Flad, Christian Awe, Megan Craig, self-finding in chaos and urbanism. ISBN 9783803033642
Ästhetik, Künste, Bildende Kunst allgemein
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Artist? The hypothesis of bodiness.

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