Scraps of thought : margin notes in old Romanian books. Mariana Borcoman / Europäische Hochschulschriften / Reihe 3 / Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften ; volume 1095

von Borcoman, Mariana:

Borcoman, Mariana:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2015.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 119 S.
ca. 180 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Scraps of thought analyses notes in medieval books from the archive of the First Romanian School from Scheii Bra?ovului, the Romanian settlement outside Bra?ov city walls. Merchants, craftsmen and wealthy people financially supported St. Nicholas Church and the school on its premises. Families of scholars, formed in the school of Scheii, preserved the light of books and Romanian Orthodoxism in the region. The notes in the books reveal an educated society, passing on fragments of their way of thinking. We learn about unusual weather conditions, covenants for preserving the moral norms, information regarding the meeting of the priests in the area and especially the curses that were meant to protect the books. The study shows the medieval book as a written medium which included glimpses of life, fragments of human emotions and events. ISBN 9783631660461
Rumänisch ; Literatur ; Geschichte 1600-1700, Italienische, rumänische, rätoromanische Literatur
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Scraps of thought : margin notes in old Romanian books.

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