The Worldwide History of Warfare. The ultimate visual Guide, from the Ancient World to the American Civil War.

von Newark, Tim (Ed.):

Newark, Tim (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Thames & Hudson; London, 2009.
Format / Einband
Fadengehefteter Originalpappband. 320 S.; durchgehend illustriert; 8°.
ca. 1550 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - Mit sehr zahlreichen Abbildungen. - Introduction -- The Evolution of Warfare -- The Ancient Way of War 3000-323 BC -- Rome and Her Enemies 509 BC to AD 476 -- Medieval Warfare 500-1500 -- The Wider World c. 2000 BC to AD 1865 -- The Firearms Revolution 1.500-1650 -- The Flintlock at War 1650-1815 -- The Harbinger of the Modern Battlefield 1841-1865 -- War at Sea 500 BC to AD 1865 -- Revolutions In Arms and Armour -- Weapons -- Armour -- Timeline -- Glossary-Bibliography. // Numerous factors, including geography, climate, culture and natural resources, have influenced both the timing and speed of military development around the globe. To reflect this, our narrative is structured both chronologically and by theme. Section one, The Evolution of Warfare, forms an overview of how technology and tactics evolved while section two, Revolutions in Arms and Armour, focuses in greater detail on the development of weapons. Although covering an extremely wide range of cultures and epochs, the 19th-century illustrations used throughout the book serve to unify the story. This was an age of pioneering scholarship and although from time to time the Victorian artist exercised his licence, he generally had a good eye for fine detail and created wonderfully evocative images. On the few occasions where the original artist has slipped in his interpretation of ancient technology, the writers have pointed out where this is at variance to present-day thinking. It all adds to the interest of this most fascinating of subjects. (Vorwort) ISBN 9780500287996
Krieg; Waffen; Rüstung; Geschichte; Kriegführung
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EUR 22,00
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The Worldwide History of Warfare.

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