Utah. A People's History.

von May, Dean L.:

May, Dean L.:
Verlag / Jahr
Univ. of Utah Press, 1987.
Format / Einband
XII; 210 S.; Illustr.; 25 cm; kart.
ca. 600 g
Gutes Ex. - INHALT : Preface --- Man and Desert --- An Opening ro Europe --- White Settlement --- A New Land --- Troubled Zion --- The Americanization of Utah --- The New Pioneers --- Progressive Reform in the Beehive State --- War, Depression, and War --- Utah Today And Tomorrow. // Illustrations : Great Salt Lake near Black Rock xiv map showing Lake Conibus map with Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake combined - map with lake draining to a western sea - Physiographic Provinces of Utah - Basin and Range country - The "Great American Desert" - The Grand Staircase of Utah - Modern map of Utah - Ceiling of Fremont granary - Anasazi handprints at Westwater Village - rendezvous - Utah homelands of historic Indians - Aztec drawing of the Conquest - Ute Indians near Fort Bridget - Miera map of Dominguez-Escalante expedition - Utah Valley from Dominguez Hill - Southern Paiutes photographed by J. K. Hillers - Alexander von Humboldt's map of - - Peter Skene Ogden - Jacob Steiler map of - - Pioneers camped at Chimney Rock - Kirtland Temple - Map showing principal Mormon settlements to - - Wagon roads West - Sunset on Gunnison Island by Alfred Lambourne - Carved cross on Fremont Island - Pilot Peak from edge of Cedar Mountains - Excavated wagon tracks across the west desert - The Salt Lake Theatre in Changes in territorial boundaries - Brigham Young in - - Mallet and spike used for dedication of Utah Central Railroad - Deseret Store and Tithing Office Interior of Salt Lake Theatre / u.v.a. ISBN 0874802830
Utah; USA / Bundesstaat; Kulturgeschichte; Geschichte
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