Modernity and postmodernity in a Franco-Irish context. Studies in Franco-Irish relations, Volume 2.

von Maher, Eamon, Grace Neville und Eugene O'Brien (eds.):

Maher, Eamon, Grace Neville und Eugene O'Brien (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Lang, 2008.
Format / Einband
262 S.
ca. 550 g
Tadelloses Exemplar. - Inhalt: Beckett, Lacan and Postmodern Musings: HELEN ASTBURY / Prose, Theatre, Translation: Beckett, the reluctant Postmodernist -- FABIENNE DABRIGEON GARCIER / " Short story " et " nouvelle " : les apories du genre court chez Samuel Beckett -- ADRIAN MILLAR / The Blind-spots of the Postmodernist Project in Ireland: a Lacanian Take -- PETER GUY / In the Name of the Father: Lacan's nom-du-père and the Modern Irish Novel -- Poetry Grappling with Issues of Modernity and Postmodernity: MARY PIERSE / The Poetic Voices of Dennis O'Driscoll and Cathal Ó Searcaigh: In tune with Lyotard? -- JOHN McDONAGH / Entre deux Mers -Strands and Collages in Contemporary Irish Poetry -- JOAN DARGAN / Sand and speed: Traces of French Thought in Paul Muldoon's New Poetry -- BRIAN WALSH / The Postmodern Epiphany in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney -- Fiction and the Postmodern: Or, the Postmodern Fiction: EUGENE O'BRIEN / Winterwood: A Portrait of the Artist as a Postmodernist Pariah -- PAULA MURPHY / From Ballymun to Brazil: Bolger's Postmodern Ireland -- SYLVIE MIKOWSKI / Patrick McCabe's The Butcher Boy, Céline and Julia Kristeva's Powers of Horror -- Religion and Society in the Wake of Postmodernity: YANN BÉVANT / L'Irlande entre diversité multiculturelle et affirmation de l'identité nationale : nouvelle problématique, nouveaux enjeux -- JEAN-CHRISTOPHE PENET / Nollaig Shona ou Bonne Année ? Pratique catholique et pratique politique en Irlande et en France post-/ultra-moderne -- EÓIN FLANNERY / The Other Within: Migration, Postcolonialism and Cinema in France and Ireland -- EAMON MAHER / A Message from France: Jean Sulivan and post-Catholic Ireland. - French writers and intellectuals were to the forefront when it came to theorizing the concepts of modernity and postmodernity, and thus such a theme was considered appropriate for this, the second volume in the Studies in Franco-Irish Relations series. The postmodern Irish socio-cultural paradigm is interrogated through the lens of French thought. What is equally interesting is that Irish contexts can also help shed light on the French situation as the processes of secularisation and multicultural diversity, part of the French experience since the 1950s, begin to take root in a society that has become one of the most globalised in the Western world. The interchange and dialogue between the two cultures throws up a panoply of insights that have the capacity to be enriching for both societies. (Verlagstext). ISBN 9783631581582
Englische Literatur, Französische Literatur
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Modernity and postmodernity in a Franco-Irish context.

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