Handbook for Foreign Language Learning in Online Tandems and Educational Settings. Foreign Language Teaching in Europe ; 15.

von Funk, Hermann, Manja Gerlach und Dorothea Spaniel-Weise (eds.):

Funk, Hermann, Manja Gerlach und Dorothea Spaniel-Weise (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2017.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 296 Seiten ; 21 cm x 14.8 cm
ca. 550 g
Ein tadelloses Exemplar. - Table o f Contents -- Foreword9 -- Introduction 11 -- Section 1: -- Pedagogical Guidelines and Principles for Setting Up and Organising -- Online Tandems -- Hermann Funk & Manja Gerlach & Dorothea Spaniel -- in cooperation with Josy-Ann Lätsch -- 11 Same Same, but Different: How to Find Common Ground in -- Terminology in Interdisciplinary and International Foreign -- Language Research? 21 -- 12 Online Tandems - a Distinct Way of Language Learning? 27 -- 13 How to Set up Non-Formal Online Tandems? 37 -- 14 How to Stipulate Online Interactions? Task-Based Language Learning -- and the Design of Materials 47 -- 15 The Notion of Task in the Context of Online Tandem s 53 -- 16 How to Assist Online Tandem Learners? 65 -- 17 How Can We Plan Quality Management and Assessment in -- Online Tandem Settings? 75 -- 18 References Section 1 87 -- Section 2: -- Components of Interactions in Online Tandems -- Susanne Lesk, Martin Stegu -- 21 Identifying Language Needs at the Workplace: Aligning the Needs -- of Language Learners with the Language Needs of Com panies 97 -- Lennart T Koch -- 22 Principles of Tandem Interaction - Reciprocity 117 -- Eva Vetter -- 23 Who Speaks What Language to Whom and How? 133 -- Yasmin El-Hariri, Julia Renner -- 24 Non-Understanding in eTandem Conversations 149 -- German Ruiperez, Jose Carlos Garcia-Cabrero -- 25 Technological and Pedagogical Perspectives on Tandem Learning 169 -- Claudia Grümpel, Analia Cuadrado Rey; Pamela Stoll -- 26 Telecollaboration and Use of English between Learners of German -- and Spanish in an Institutional Context of a Spanish University 185 -- Mireia Calvet Creizet, Javier Orduna -- 27 Enhanced Language Learning in Non-Formal Tandems 199 -- Mireia Calvet Creizet, Javier Orduna -- 28 Interactional Practices of Third Language Learners: -- Principles and D ocum entation 217 -- Section 3: -- E-Tandems in the Institutional Context of Universities: Experiences -- and Recommendations -- Carmen Gierden Vega, Patricia Manjavacas Sneesby -- 31 Integration of Electronic Tandems into Classroom Instruction 243 -- Kateryna Kremenchuk, Yan Li -- 32 The Role of Guidance as a Factor for Tandem Organisation 267 ISBN 9783631714485
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Handbook for Foreign Language Learning in Online Tandems and Educational Settings.

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