Volume 88. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 2007. Part 1.

von Gabbard, Glen O. und Paul Williams (Eds.):

Gabbard, Glen O. und Paul Williams (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Institute of Psychoanalysis; London, 2007.
Format / Einband
286 S.; 8°; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar. - ISSN 0020-7578. - INHALT : THE ANALYST AT WORK - The case of Stevie Alice A. Jones - The analyst as eye doctor and as marine Anna Ferruta - mammal specialist - A comment on The case of Stevie' Raul Hartke - THEORETICAL AND CLINICAL PAPERS - The case against neuropsychoanalysis Rachel B. Blass, - On fallacies underlying psychoanalysis' latest scientific Zvi Carmeli - trend and its negative impact on psychoanalytic discourse - Sibling loss, guilt and reparation: A case study Christopher Christian - Dreaming as a primordial state of the mind: Victor Manoel Andrade - The clinical relevance of structural faults in the body ego as revealed in dreaming - From symbolic law to narrative capacity Susann Heenen-Wolff - A paradigm shift in psychoanalysis? - Thinking with, and about, patients too scared to think: Richard Howard Tuch - Can non-interpretive maneuvers stimulate reflective thought? - Psychoanalysis and change: Jose Alberto Zusman - Between curiosity and faith Elie Cheniaux - Sergio de Freitas - Talk to me baby, tell me what's the matter now' Björn Salomonsson - Semiotic and developmental perspectives on communication in psychoanalytic infant treatment - The paedophile and his inner world: Franco De Masi - Theoretical and clinical considerations on the analysis of a patient - HISTORY - Hunger and love: Patricia Cotti - Schiller and the origin of drive dualism in Freud's work - EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES - The coming changes in psychoanalytic education: Otto F. Kernberg - Part II - The educational boundary Stephen M. Sonnenberg, - William A. Myerson - INTERDISCIPLINARY - Monstrous infants and vampyric mothers Barbara R. Almond - in Bram Stoker's Dracula - LETTERS TO THE EDITORS - On: Art and emotion in psychoanalysis Gilbert J. Rose - Reply to Dr Rose Elliot Jurist.
Zeitschrift / Psychoanalyse
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Volume 88. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 2007. Part 1.

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