Totalitarian political discourse? Tolerance and intolerance in eastern and east central european countries ; diachronic and synchronic aspects. In collab. with Karsten Senkbeil, Hildesheimer Schriften zur interkulturellen Kommunikation, Vol. 5

von Kreß, Beatrix [Hrsg.]:

Kreß, Beatrix [Hrsg.]:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M. u.a.: Lang, 2012.
Format / Einband
Originalpappband. 200 S. mit Ill., graph. Darst.
ca. 550 g
Ein sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Inhalt: Beatrix Kreß, Introduction -- Holger Kuße, Emotive signs and evaluation in totalitarian language: About Bexu and Andrej Vysinskij -- Claudia Woldt, Deontic modality in political discourse - expressions of tolerance and intolerance in Czech parliamentary debates before and after 1989 -- Vladislava Warditz, Totalitarianism - Anti-totalitarianism - Post-totalitarianism? A historical perspective on totalitarian discourse in Russian linguistics -- Karen Gammelgaard, Totalitarian self-designation: the case of jednota in the Czech totalitarian register 1948-1953 -- Dmitrij Dobrovol 'skij & Ludmila Pöppel, The semantic field of POWER and political propaganda: peeoniouufi (revolution) vs. nepeeopom (coup) and eoccmanue (uprising) vs. Mnmeotc (revolt) -- Tora Hedin, Changing media discourse - the Czech daily Rudé pravo in the Stalinist years -- loulia Grigorieva, Moralizing speech acts in German and Russian print media during the 2008 South Ossetia War -- Beatrix Kreß, Is there a totalitarian language in non-totalitarian states? -- Marina Scharia, Personalization, visualization and McDonaldization of power in Belarus -- Liana Goletiani, Environmental discourse in Russia - linguistic cultural traditions and contemporary metaphors -- Sabine Borovanska, Doing gender by Czech politicians and their partners. ISBN 9783631632765
Slawische Sprachen, Politik
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Totalitarian political discourse? Tolerance and intolerance in eastern and east central european countries ; diachronic and synchronic aspects.

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