Who will benefit from psychotherapy? Predicting therapeutic outcomes. With Paul Crits-Christoph, Jim Mintz and Arthur Auerbach.

von Luborsky, Lester (Ed.):

Luborsky, Lester (Ed.):
First edition.
Verlag / Jahr
New York : Basic Books, 1988.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. XXIX, 416 S.
ca. 550 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar. - The Clinical View by Otto Kernberg -- The Research Perspective by Morris Parloff -- The Structure of the Penn Psychotherapy Project -- Measuring the Outcome of Therapy -- How Much Did the Patients Benefit? -- How Persistent Were the Benefits? A Seven-Year Posttreatment Follow-up -- A Sound Mind in a Sound Body: Unanticipated Physical Health Benefits of Psychotherapy -- The Predictive Measures -- How Clinicians Predict Outcomes -- Pretreatment Measures as Predictors of Psychotherapy Outcomes -- How the Benefits Come About: Predicting from Sessions -- Conventional Process Ratings as Predictors -- Curative Factors and Operational Measures in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy -- The Helping Alliance: A Global Rating Method -- The Helping Alliance: A Counting Signs Method -- The Therapist's Facilitative Behaviors for the Helping Alliance -- The Helping Alliance Questionnaire -- The Central Relationship Pattern: The Core -- Conflictual Relationship Theme Method -- The Central Relationship Pattern: The Accuracy of the Therapist's Interpretations -- The Central Relationship Pattern: Self-Understanding of Core Relationship Themes -- The Central Relationship Pattern: The Reduction in Pervasiveness of Conflicts -- The Penn Studies in Perspective of Past Studies. ISBN 9780465091898
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Who will benefit from psychotherapy?

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