Mind and brain. Principles of neuropsychology. Foreword by Eliot Stellar.

von Steinman Gilinsky, Alberta:

Steinman Gilinsky, Alberta:
Verlag / Jahr
New York : Praeger, 1984.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. XXVII, 550 S.
ca. 550 g
Besitzvermerk Walter Ehrenstein. Einband berieben. - All too often the findings of psychology and neurobiology are seen as distinct and separate. The psychologist speaks of the mind and the neurobiologist of the brain. Mind and Brain is a groundbreaking book that integrates the discoveries of these two disciplines to present an up-to-date theory of how we think and feel. Psychologists have long needed a framework for incorporating perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics with the model of brain presented by modern research. This book provides that link. European and American laboratories and clinics have produced a sometimes bewildering amount of evidence-biological, biochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral-about neural mechanisms. Mind and Brain throws light on how the neuro-biological research of Hubel, Wiesel, Goldman-Rakic, Kandel, Evarts, Mountcastle, and Thompson confirms the clinical insights of Luria, Penfield, and Geschwind. The classical contributions of William James, R. S. Woodworth, D. O. Hebb, and especially J. Konorski, whose work is often overlooked in this country, are also cited for their insights in explaining the mechanisms of the brain. Research has shown that the behavior of animals is controlled by unique nerve cells, each with its own particular job to perform and the ability to react with amazing specificity to particular stimuli. These findings lead to an intriguing generalization. Perhaps human behavior is also controlled by individual neurons- intelligent brain cells with precise functions localized in different regions of the brain. The cognon or cognitive neuron is proposed, .in this original model, as a powerful tool for unifying the phenomena of perception, learning, and voluntary action. ISBN 0030598761
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Mind and brain. Principles of neuropsychology.

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