Monstrosity in literature, psychoanalysis, and philosophy.

von Unterthurner, Gerhard and Erik M. Vogt (Eds.):

Unterthurner, Gerhard and Erik M. Vogt (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Wien ; Berlin : Turia + Kant, 2012.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 220 S.
ca. 356 g
Ryan Crawford: Monstrous Objects: Moby-Dick and Monomania -- Benjamin M. Schacht: Dark Visions: Bigger, Max, and Recognition in Richard Wright's Native Son -- David Calder: Other Spaces: The Monstrous Sites of Suddenly Last Summer -- Joela Zellen The Function of Monsters: Loci of Border Crossing and the In-Between -- Andrea Wad: Fatal Attractions: The Monstrosity of Film Noir -- Todd Kesselman: Solaris Rex -- Erik M. Vogt: Zizek's Monstrous Figures -- James R. Watson: Decomposing Monsters: Red Peter's Way Through the Thick of Things -- James Murphy: Fantastic Monstrosity: A Reconsideration of Violence in the Work of Frantz Fanon -- Gerhard Unterthurner: Abnormality and Monstrosity in Foucault. Editor: This wide-ranging volume focuses attention on monsters and the monstrous as they emerge at the intersection of literature, psychoanalysis (with film), and philosophy. Here it is not so much a question of those real, bodily monsters of former centuries that have since lost their power to terrify and migrated into aesthetics on account of the 19th century s increasing scientification and naturalization. This collection of essays is concerned, instead, with the broader category of the monstrous (as well as its cognates, like the uncanny) and attends to the ways in which monstrosity figures as a subversive category at the same time as it is transformed into the other of whatever the prevailing sociopolitical order deems proper and normal. This Austrian-American co-production initially arose out of a 2010 ISSEI workshop held in Ankara, Turkey. Contributors: Ryan Crawford, Benjamin M. Schacht, David Calder, Joela Zeller, Andrea Wald, Todd Kesselman, Erik M. Vogt, James R. Watson, James Murphy, Gerhard Unterthurner. ISBN 9783851326703
Literatur, Rhetorik, Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie, Öffentliche Darbietungen, Film, Rundfunk
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Monstrosity in literature, psychoanalysis, and philosophy.

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