Foreign Affairs. January/February 2013.

von Rose, Gideon and Jonathan Tepperman (Eds.):

Rose, Gideon and Jonathan Tepperman (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), 2013.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 208 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Turkey's Moment. A Conversation With Abdullah Gul. Jonathan Tepperman -- The Fall and Rise of the West. Why America and Europe Will Emerge Stronger From the Financial Crisis. Roger C. Altman -- Do Less Harm. Protecting and Compensating Civilians in War. Sarah Holewinski -- Can America Be Fixed? The New Crisis of Democracy. Fareed Zakaria -- The Life of the Party. The Post-Democratic Future Begins in China. Eric X. Li -- Democratize or Die. Why China's Communists Face Reform or Revolution. Yasheng Huang -- The Mirage of the Arab Spring. Deal With the Region You Have, Not the Region You Want. Seth G. Jones -- The Promise of the Arab Spring. In Political Development, No Gain Without Pain. Sheri Berman -- The End of the Age of Petraeus. The Rise and Fall of Counterinsurgency. Fred Kaplan -- Barak's Last Battle. An Israeli Lion in Winter. Jonathan Tepperman -- Getting to Yes With Iran. The Challenges of Coercive Diplomacy. Robert Jervis -- Pull Back. The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy. Barry R. Posen -- Lean Forward. In Defense of American Engagement. Stephen G. Brooks, G. John Ikenberry, and William C. Wohlforth -- Rebooting Republican Foreign Policy Needed: Less Fox, More Foxes. Daniel W. Drezner -- America's Misguided Approach to Social Welfare How the Country Could Get More for Less. Kimberly J. Morgan.
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Foreign Affairs. January/February 2013.

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