Mahjubah. The Magazine for Muslim Women. Vol. 1, No. 5 & 6. Shawwal and Dhiqadeh, 1401.

von Ghaffari, Salman (Ed.):

Ghaffari, Salman (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Tehrean: Ministry of Islamic Guidance, 1981.
Format / Einband
Geheftet. 52 S.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Einband leicht berieben. - The Quran: suratu-n-nisa (Womeii) -- Women and the Revolution: Imam Khomeini: Islam is a Political Religion -- An Interview with Imam Musa Sadr's Sister -- The Rights of Women in Islam : The Polytheistic System by Fereshteh Hashimi -- Women and Islam by Gamal A. Badawi -- The Duties of Muslim Women: How Does a Family Flourish? from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards -- Corps -- Women Outside the Home: Why the Modest Dress by Morteza Mutahhari -- The Message of the Modest Dress of Muslim Women by Zahra Rahnevard -- Muslim Women and Islamic History : Zainab's Mission by Ali Asghar Ghassemy -- The Islamic Calendar:Shawwal and Dhiqadeh: Imam Khomeini's Message for id ul-fitr: Id ul-fitr Fitra -- The Martyrdom of Imam Jafar Sadiq -- The Marriage of the Holy Prophet and Hazrat Khadijeh -- Imam Khomeini's Message for the 17th of Shahrivar -- The Birth of Imam Reza Ayatullah Taleqani -- Special Feature: The Psychology of Oppression: The Oppressed / Oppressor Axis by Jamshid A.H. Bakhtiar -- Mahjubah Introduces Two New Serials: The Martyr, Morteza Mutahhari's Rights of Women in Islam, published by the World Organization for Islamic Services, Tehran -- The Martyr, Ali Shariati's Fatima is Fatima, published by the Hamdami Foundation, Tehran.
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EUR 41,90
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Mahjubah. The Magazine for Muslim Women. Vol. 1, No. 5 & 6. Shawwal and Dhiqadeh, 1401.

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