Phoebus Krumm.

von Smith, L. Neil, Scott Bieser und Charles H. Weidmann:

Smith, L. Neil, Scott Bieser und Charles H. Weidmann:
1st ed.
Verlag / Jahr
Round Rock, TX: Big Head Press, 2011.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. 172 S.
ca. 550 g
After his wives were murdered in a border raid, the former pirate Phoebus Krumm had settled into a decadent retirement on the planet Hanover II. But before long, Krumm found himself again in command of a tachyon sailship, commissioned by the Ceo Lia Woodgate and charged with destroying a new threat to the J balance of interstellar power: a dreadnaught starship far more powerful than any other, a dagger pointed at the heart of the Hanoverian Monopolity by its interstellar rival, the Jendyne Empiry-Cirot. On this mission Krumm is joined by Bretta Martyn, the daughter of his best friend Henry Martyn, who himself has gone missing while investigating the Jendyne Ceo Burton Halliwater's plans. Author L. Neil Smith brings another tale set in the swashbuckling Henry Martyn universe, illustrated by Scott Bieser and the artist known as -3-. ISBN 9780974381480
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