Celtic Civilization and Its Heritage.

von Filip, Jan:

Filip, Jan:
Second revised edition.
Verlag / Jahr
Prague: Academia, 1977.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 231 S. + 40 Tafeln.
ca. 550 g
Einband berieben. Besitzvermerk Michael Richter. - the prehistorical background of the historical celts -- the environment of the hallstatt iron age chieftains. the forts of the overlords and their contacts with the mediterranean -- armed expeditions of the celts into the rest of europe - period of celtic expansion and later central european concentration -- celtic languages and the oldest surviving liter-ature -- celtic society and its structure -- the warrior organization of the celts and their mode of warfare -- the economic basis and civilized achievement of celtic society -- celtic art and celtic religion -- the civilizational and cultural heritage of the celts.
Unser Preis
EUR 37,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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