American experience - the experience of America. Gdansk transatlantic studies in British and North American culture, Vol. 2

von Ceynowa, Andrzej [Hrsg.] and Marek [Hrsg.] Wilczynski:

Ceynowa, Andrzej [Hrsg.] and Marek [Hrsg.] Wilczynski:
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M.: Lang-Ed., 2013.
Format / Einband
Fadengehefteter Originalpappband. 346 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Contents: Agnieszka Salska: «Several of Nature's People/I know and they know me»: How American Women Poets Keep Meeting Strange and Wonderful Animals - Joanna Durczak: American Nature Writing and the Urban Experience - Zofia Kolbuszewska: Forensic Imagination and the Materiality of Experience - Tadeusz Rachwal: Nearing Thoreau - Joseph Kuhn: Henry James and the Secret - Beata Williamson: Henry James, Francis Parkman, and the Jesuits - Bartosz Lutostanski: There is more than meets the (narratorial) I. On the narrator and the experience of fiction in Henry James's «Beast in the Jungle» - Grzegorz Kosc: Forms of Power. Frost's Potraits in North of Boston and Mountain Interval - Pawel Stachura: The American Sybils: Prophecy as a Mode of Fiction Writing - Katarzyna Kuczma: Desert(ed) Experience. John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley and Cormac McCarthy's The Road - Tomasz Basiuk: A Logic of Interruption. Experience and Witnessing in David Wojnarowicz's Close to the Knives - Monika Wojdan: Confronting the Loss of the Dearest: Mark Doty, Assotto Saint, and the AIDS Elegy - Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pedich: The End of Neighbourhood: From a Shtetl to New York in Bernard Malamud's and Chaim Potok's Fiction - Brygida Gasztold: Introducing New Jewish Immigrants: Natasha and Other Stories by David Bezmozgis - Izabela Filipiak: The Yiddish Policemen's Union: Alaska Made in Poland - Yuri Stulov: Traumas of the Past as the Experience of the Present - Agnieszka Lobodziec: Paule Marshall's Tripartite Experience in Triangular Road: A Memoir and Its Fictitious Reconstructions - Jørgen Veisland: Memory, Time and Transcendence in Toni Morrison's Beloved - Ewelina Banka: Indigenous Experience in the Americas: Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead and the Prophetic Retaking of Indian Country - Arkadiusz Misztal: Articulating the Time-Experience: Scientific and Parascientific Images of Time in Ratner's Star by Don DeLillo - Ivan Delazari: Suspension of Belief: Don DeLillo's 9/11 - Zuzanna Ladyga: Captured LIVE!: Perception, Corporeality and the Televisual Apparatus in the Work of David Foster Wallace - Marta Koval: America as Home and Experience: A New Immigrants' Story in Aleksandar Hemon's Novel The Lazarus Project - Milosz Wojtyna: «Delirious unknowing» - Periphery, Experience and Story-Telling in David Means's The Spot - Agnieszka Kaczmarek: Bill Bryson's Search for Amalgam in The Lost Continent: Experiencing America of the Late 1980s - Marcin Jauksz: Writers Abroad, Jesters Aboard. Mark Twain's and Henryk Sienkiewicz's Accounts of Their Journeys to Each Other's Continents - Yuliya Tkachuk: NYC by Dorota Maslowska and Janusz Glowacki: Discovered or Reproduced? - Filip Lipinski: The Hopperesque: A Pictorial Experience of America - Malgorzata Lisiewicz: Romantic View on Minimalism. American Art in the Context of American Experience - Justyna Kociatkiewicz: Reality as Fiction/Fiction as Reality: Larry Beinhart's Recording of the American Experience in Wag the Dog - Marek Paryz: Iron Man Saves the Afghans - Aleksandra M. Rózalska: Enemies, Tortures, and «Frontiersman» Heroes: Narrating the War on Terror in American Film and Television Series (The Kingdom, Rendition, and 24) - Grzegorz Welizarowicz: On Blues Axiology - David A. Jones/Joanna Waluk: The Monroe Doctrine Historically and Its Applications Today: Success or Failure? ISBN 9783631635919
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American experience - the experience of America.

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