6 Pack Polytar Scalp Coal Tar Shampoo 150ml

Polytar is a cleaning product for the scalp medicado, with mixture of tar for the treatment of disorders of Slough of scalp including seborreica dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff. Polytar is based on the coal tar ingredient, which reduces the itching and acts as a mild antiseptic. Also acts as an agent queratolt??co breaks, this is, keratin. The Keratin is a protein that form part of the structure of the skin and can cause bulge in the skin when there is excess. Agents queratol??ticos, as the coal tar, therefore, help to reduce the excess of tightening, bulge and the resequedad of the leather. All products in the range Polytar contain tar.
Contains mixture of tar for the treatment of scalp disorders of Slough. Treatment for seborreica dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff