“The Boy Who Invented the Bubble Gun: An Odyssey of Innocence” by Paul Gallico follows the journey of Julian West, a nine-year-old prodigy. Leaving his San Diego home, Julian embarks on a bus trip to Washington, D.C., aiming to patent his seemingly innocuous toy bubble gun invention. Along the way, he encounters a cast of colorful characters, making this adventure both whimsical and heartwarming. - by the msn bing chatbot A.I. Copilot.

The Boy Who Invented the Bubble Gun.

An Odyssey of Innocence.

by Paul Gallico.


First Printing.

5 3/4 by 8 1/2 inches.

255 pages.

Paul William Gallico (1897–1976) was an American novelistshort story writer, and sports writer. His works often made their way to the big screen. Notably, The Snow Goose received critical acclaim. He penned the novel The Poseidon Adventure, which gained fame through its 1972 film adaptation. Gallico also created four novels featuring the beloved character Mrs. HarrisHis diverse career spanned sports journalism, fiction, and heartwarming tales. - by the msn bing chatbot A.I. Copilot.

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