Metropolis. Ten cities, ten centuries.

von Lorenz, Albert und Joy Schleh:

Lorenz, Albert und Joy Schleh:
Verlag / Jahr
New York : Harry N. Abrams, 1996.
Format / Einband
Gebundene Ausgabe mit Schutzumschlag. 64 S.
ca. 550 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar. - Jerusalem, 11th century -- Paris, 12th century -- A Mongol tent city, 13th century -- Koblenz, 14th century -- Voyage of discovery, 15th century -- Florence, 16th century -- Osaka, 17th century -- Vienna, 18th century -- London, 19th century -- New York, 20th century. Lorenz brings to Metropolis an amazing ability to envision the world from fresh vantage points. He can zoom effortlessly between a satellite view that presents panoramic scenes in global perspective and a street-level vantage point that gives a human scale. His drawings see through walls and roofs, under water and underground, and no colorful detail escapes his magical art. Pictured here is the everyday life of the past as it ebbs and flows against the rich backdrop of the bustling streets and well-known architectural monuments of famous cities. And while each of the ten chapters is a visual world in itself, with an accompanying text that explains the episodes depicted, there is also a lively timeline that runs throughout the book, establishing a context for the drama that is unfolding before the reader's eyes. Crammed with hundreds of compelling images, Metropolis pins the short roster of popular books for children and adults that use imaginative illustrations to teach about history, culture, and the arts.
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Metropolis. Ten cities, ten centuries.

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