Journal of European Psychoanalysis. No. 26/27. 2008 - I/II (JEP).

von Benevenuto, Sergio, Cristiana Cimino und Antonello Correale (Eds.):

Benevenuto, Sergio, Cristiana Cimino und Antonello Correale (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Roma: IPOC, 2008.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 332 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Jean-Luc Nancy, Freud - So to Speak -- ON SLAVOJ ZIZEK: Slavoj Zizek, The Perverse Subject of Politics: Lacan as a Reader of Mohammad Bouyeri -- Fabio Vighi, Heiko Feldner, The Challenge of Power in Zizek and Foucault -- Sergio Benvenuto. Introduction to the Italian Edition of Daly & Zizek A Conversation with Zizek -- TRANSFERENCE & COUNTER-TRANSFERENCE I: René Major. Love of Transference and Passion for the Signifier -- Fabiano Bassi, Evolution in the Clinical Use of Counter-Transference -- Cristiana Cimino, Transference and "Bare Life". Defencelessness -- Giampaolo Lai, Pierrette Lavanchy, Disidentity. Shock in Transference and Counter-Transference -- Antonio Maiolino. Transference: A No Man's Land -- HISTORY OF PSYCHOANALYSIS Bruce Fink, Lacan on Personality from the 1930s to the 1950s -- Matteo Vegetti, Kojève and Lacan -- Mârta Csabai, Development of Psychosomatics and the Therapeutic Relationship. The Impact of the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis -- REVIEWS Antonello Sciacchitano, Wissenschaft als Hysterie, by Luigi Gaffuri.
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Journal of European Psychoanalysis. No. 26/27. 2008 - I/II (JEP).

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